Aug 25, 2006 20:40

turps33 requested something with Chris, and it got a bit too long to post in a comment. Space-wise, I don't know about the character count. I would've made an extra post (still will) for the ficlets anyway, so I could just as well make one for this. I also had to do Terri's earlier than the other requests that acutally came before hers, because she leaves for vacation tomorrow.


Day 1 of NSYNC CTOD (Camping Trip Of Doom)

Survived plane. Got carried into woods in v. old truck. Not enough space, accidentally jabbed elbow in J's stomach few times. J not amused.

Had to wrestle with J for 2-men-tent. Kid might have few muscles on me but still know his weak spots.

Choosing 2-men-tent might not have been v. good idea as Lance is in other tent. Tent standing after 5 minutes, C & I still working on tent pegs.

C's sleeping bag pink.


Am forbidden to call trip Camp Sparkle*.


Wake up to Joey making breakfast. Didn't sleep well due to twig poking in ass through tent floor. At least C not snoring.

Get sent to collect firewood by Lance.

Get bored with collecting firewood. Spy on J bathing in pond instead. Stay in underbrush, make twigs snap & throw pebbles in pond. J whipping his head all around, "Who's there?" Kind of funny.

J not amused.

Make s'mores over campfire. Drop a few marshmallows in fire. Smells. Lance, in charge of fire, not amused.


Twig poked in ass again. Tried to find better position. C's side of tent looked twig-free, but C not amused when tried to climb over him.

Get pushed in pond by J. Probably payback.

Tickle J until he screams & pees his pants then push him in pond. Yes, payback a bitch.

Lance telling horror stories about Russian woods at campfire, shining flashlight in his face. Drama queen. C scared. Pussy.

Have to remember checking sleeping bag for worms. Lance says worms not dangerous since not Russian, but you never know.


Slept bad. Twig apparently snapped, since now two digging in ass. Dreamt of worms.

Joey reheating spaghetti for breakfast. Politely declined.

Spend day in & around pond. Ah, sunshine & being one with nature. Want to go hug a tree.


Kidding. Is what C said.

Get sent to collect firewood again.

Kiss C behind the big tree with pile of firewood in arms. C smiling dazedly & wandering off in wrong direction.


Twigs still digging but don't care anymore. Kissed C goodnight.

Babies acting weird. Joey scowling. Wonder what's going on in that tent...

Wander through woods with C, trying to find new places to make out. Tree bark interesting rubbing against back, though t-shirt clearly not amused.

C crawling all over me at campfire. Nobody commenting, babies still trying to blend in with trees, Joey still frowning. Really want to know what's going on in other tent now.

C refusing to use sunscreen as lube. Get v. nice blowjob instead. Reciprocate. Need to relocate halfway through as C complaining about twigs in ass.

Day 6 of NSYNC CT

Find out why Joey so cranky: Babies have apparently zipped sleeping bags together. Joey asking for refuge in our tent. Tell him C & I have zipped sleeping bags together as well.

Joey not amused. Joey refusing to cook for "cuddlebunnies", so eat Lance's soup. V. questionable content.

Joey in better mood by campfire time, threatening to bring Kelly next time & fuck like bunnies in their tent.


Toast bread on sticks. Babies sharing. Consider vomiting from sugar overload. C making puppy eyes until I give him half my bread. Puppy eyes should be illegal.

Get apologetic blowjob. Joey yelling at babies to "wait just one fucking day until you can get a room Jesus" in other tent. C & I v. amused.

Day 7 of NSYNC CT

Slept great. No twigs digging in ass for 2 days. C's bony limbs digging everywhere, though.

Truck coming back to get us. More space this time since C half sitting in my lap, Lance in J's.

C falling asleep against me on flight home. Drooling on my shoulder.

Don't care.


And an outtake from the other tent:

"I'm going to kiss you, yeah?"

"You are?"

"Mmm, I am."

"You most certainly are not."


"Did you think I wouldn't wake up when you two were being all cuddlebunny over each other?! Now go to sleep!"

"Okay okay. Night, Lance. Night, Joey."






"Sorry. Night, Joey. Night J."

* I don't even remember who came up with "Camp Sparkle" anymore, but I hope you don't mind.

fiction, popslash

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