thinkpositive30: day 6

Feb 09, 2010 21:25

I'm feeling better today than I was last night. The sadness, the missing my scarletts_awry, is still there, but I'm managing it better.

The positive part about posting that was that I did post it, when my natural instinct is typically to repress this kind of thing and want to hide from the world.

As I said in reply to comments there, it's okay (and normal) to be sad or angry or lonely sometimes. And it's better to acknowledge that/acknowledge how I'm feeling than to repress the emotions and try to deny them. That would be just as bad as being the kind of person who gets mired in negativity and sees everything as bad or wrong or unpleasant.

It's okay for me to not feel good or thoughtful some days, and it's okay to be sad or angry or worried sometimes.

I am, always, a work in progress.


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