snagged from
Below is a listing of the alphabet. Please comment with a letter of your choice (that has yet to be chosen), a word that starts with that letter, and a fandom pairing. I will then attempt to write a one-sentence fic from the word and pairing you choose.
Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor episodes)
Grey's Anatomy (S2 & S3)
A --
moska_v --
Awareness, Stella/MacB --
chasingthrills --
Birthday, Ten/RoseC --
iluvroadrunner6 --
Careful, Stella/HawkesD --
venetia_sassy --
Dance, Ten/RoseE --
syrenslure --
Eloquent, Stella/MacF --
zekkass --
Falling, Stella/MacG --
hannahrorlove --
Generosity, Addison/AlexH --
navy_cis --
Hot, Danny/MacI --
xguardianangelx --
Ignorant, George/IzzieJ --
scarletts_awry --
Judgment, Ten/MarthaK --
1csimfan --
Knight, Mac/FlackL --
bedlamsbard --
Loss, Flack/DannyM --
neviditelny --
Mentor, Mac/Riley FinnN --
fruitbat00 --
Need, Mac/FlackO --
xguardianangelx --
Overboard, Danny/MacP --
ghostrunner7 --
Poison, Rose/MickeyQ --
sunhawk --
Queenly, Danny/MacR --
ariesjen --
Royal, Ten/MarthaS --
tink_05 --
Subtle, Stella/MacT --
gin200168 --
Tongue, Mac/AbernathyU --
webbgirl --
Understanding, Ten/MarthaV --
enchantersnight --
Velocity, Danny/MacW --
scarletts_awry --
Water, Stella/HawkesX --
fruitbat00 --
Xenophobia, Mac/Willow RosenbergY --
chelletoo --
Yesterday, Danny/MacZ --
buffy_lily --
Zugzwang, Mac/Flack I can handle one sentence, right? Sure I can.