Seven things about Stella

May 24, 2007 12:18

Oop, I've been tagged to tell you seven things about me! Since me is my favourite topic, here we go.

1) I am the loudest cat you have ever heard. When my people come home, or when other people come over to visit, or sometimes for no reason at all, I stare intently at them and scream as loud as I can. Which is really loud.

2) I am absolutely gorgeous. I have soft fur and green eyes.. so pretty.

3) I am so fat that when I curl up all cute to have a nap, I am mostly a big round belly with shining green eyes.

4.) When they shaved my fur to fix me when I was just a kitten, they found out that my skin is black with white patches. Maybe I'm part cow?

5) Miss Contrary, that's me. I routinely beat up the other cats, and sometimes people too. Sometimes when the people are worshiping me, I'll get in a mood, and purr, yowl and try to run away all at the same time.

6) When I was a kitten, I lived in a trailer in the country with about 20 other cats and my mom's friend's grandpa. When they first brought me to the city, I was very lonely living all by myself. Then I learned to manipulate the humans to do my bidding.

7) I live with two other cats, White Cat and Orange Cat. They are both crazy.
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