To Paint...

Jun 09, 2011 13:45

Title: To Paint...
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: The Team
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 300
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.
Summary: Time for Ronon Dex to relax and make new memories.

Written for a Stargateland Challenge to write a min of 100 words about a character off duty, relaxing, on vacation, etc.

To Paint…

Sand crunched under his feet as he walked along the beach. A long time had passed since the concept of relaxing had been a possibility, years of running destroyed his ability to allow himself to enjoy life.

Slowly, over the last few years, he had learned to trust again, to trust a wiry, spiky-haired colonel, a brilliant, annoying scientist, a beautiful, brave woman. All had proven themselves as loyal friends. They stood by him, fought to protect him, and reminded him that no matter what life dealt them, life was worth living.

Yes, life was worth living; today their excursion to the mainland beach had been full of surfing, swimming, and laughter. McKay had been less whiny than usual, complaining less and actually relaxing on a float in the ocean. He laughed as he remembered how often Teyla and Sheppard reminded McKay to reapply sunscreen; they always worried.

Yes, it was time to relax; time to enjoy life. As sunset approached, Ronon Dex set up the easel he had borrowed from Major Lorne, placing a small canvas on it. The paint tubes spilled onto the sand and he left them there, as he took the palette and brushes from the case Lorne had given him. He took a deep breath, surprisingly nervous about having a brush in his hand again. It was a lifetime ago when he learned to paint; visions of his mother laughing, praising his first attempts filled his memories. Happy memories and it was time to make more.

As the sky turned golden, then pink, Ronon began to paint the scene in front of him. Rodney was snoozing in a beach chair; Teyla was busy setting out food from the big hamper they brought along, while Sheppard was building a huge fire. Ronon smiled, happy memories, indeed.

team atlantis, author: stella_pegasi, character: ronon dex, challenge, stargateland, character: john sheppard, friendship, character: teyla emmagan, pg, character: rodney mckay

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