Murmurs Chapter Three Subara

Mar 21, 2011 18:07

Title: Murmurs
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Anne Teldy, Original Characters
Spoilers: Post-Season Five
Warnings: Language
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: ~25,000 Five Chapters
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.
Two members of the Atlantis Expedition are exhibiting bizarre behavior. When one of them is gravely injured, Atlantis is the only hope for rescue.


By stella_pegasi

Chapter Three Subara

“If he didn’t come with us or go with McKay, then where is he?”

Ronon was standing toe-to-toe with Major Lorne, a decidedly irritated look on his face. Two SO’s standing nearby inched their way closer to the two men, but Lorne’s minuscule shake of his head stopped them.

“Ronon, I don’t know. Chuck, Amelia, and Liang are reviewing the gate room surveillance tapes to see what really went on this morning.”

“Did the colonel managed to gate off with another team?” Teyla asked of Lorne.

“No idea; look, Teldy’s questioning every team that went off world today. They’ve all returned, so if Sheppard did go out with one of them, he didn’t come back.” Lorne sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

Keller and Woolsey walked up to the small group standing near Dr. McKay’s bed. Keller quickly monitored McKay’s vitals, and then turned to the others.

“With Rodney exhibiting such erratic, paranoid behavior, I am concerned that whatever is affecting him is also affecting Colonel Sheppard. Any of you noticed anything unusual with either of them in the last few days.

Teyla and Ronon exchanged worried glances, “Yes; we had planned on talking to Colonel Sheppard this evening. He has been…” Teyla paused, “Moody, withdrawn, nervous, not himself. John is relaxed around us. He may not share a lot of what he feels, but he is never short tempered, nor does he ever appear nervous, even when he might be. I don’t know.” She looked up at Ronon, “We just thought something was bothering him.”

Lorne shook his head, “I tried to meet with him for the last three days, but he kept avoiding me. When I did catch up with him, and asked to set a time to go over team assignments, he snapped at me. Colonel Sheppard never does that. He seemed to realize what he had done, and told me he hadn’t been sleeping, that he was just tired.”

“Did you notice any changes in Dr. McKay?” Woolsey asked.

“No, but I hadn’t seen him, except briefly, for the last few days. I assumed he was working in his lab.” Teyla replied, and Ronon shook his head in agreement.

“Well, while it’s not conclusive evidence, I have a feeling that whatever is happening to Rodney is happening to Colonel Sheppard as well. The results of the tox screen we did on Rodney just came out. It revealed a chemical compound that we haven’t seen before; Carson’s working on identifying it now.”

Woolsey asked, “Can you pinpoint when Colonel Sheppard’s behavior changed? Did something happen on a mission?” Once again, Ronon and Teyla exchanged glances, but neither spoke.

“Well, did something happen, you need to tell us.” Woolsey waited.

Teyla spoke, “Yes, perhaps; a small misunderstanding on the mission four days ago to Subara. While there, we visited the learning center. As you know, the Subaran are technologically advanced, and the trade minister we met with, thought it would be a good idea for us to meet some of the other prominent citizens. He took us to the office of Proffer Terdarin, the head of the school of science at the learning center, where several scientists were waiting.”

“I read that in Colonel Sheppard’s report; you two and Dr. McKay gave only brief mention of the visit in your mission reports. What happened?”

“Terdarin is a fool.” Ronon growled.

Teyla sighed, “As much as I do not like to use that word about someone, I fear Ronon is right. John thought that Terdarin was jealous of Rodney. He was constantly, to use the word the colonel used, needling Rodney. Rodney would try to answer someone’s question, and Terdarin would interject, trying to suggest Rodney's answers were incorrect. Rodney was becoming quite distressed, but remained calm. I’m afraid Colonel Sheppard had a more difficult time remaining calm.”

“What did he do?” Woolsey asked.

Ronon stated very matter-of-factly, “He should’ve told the idiot he was going to knock him on his ass.”

At the shocked look on Woolsey’s face, Teyla explained, “The colonel did not use those words. He was polite, but quietly suggested to Terdarin that if he had concerns he wished to discuss with Rodney, perhaps they should talk in private. Terdarin laughed, which did not sit well with Colonel Sheppard. However, I do not believe the colonel pursued the conversation.”

Ronon added, “He didn’t; Sheppard came over to McKay, who was standing by me. Told him that Terdarin was an idiot and jealous of Rodney; he wanted Rodney to ignore him and not lose his cool.”

Lorne asked, “So no other words were exchanged; nothing else happened?”

Teyla sighed, “No, nothing; Rodney stayed away from Terdarin from that point on. Terdarin didn’t make any other comments that we heard, and we went back to the governor’s house for a feast. We returned to Atlantis about three hours later.”

Beckett walked up, “We just identified the compound; well, at least, we know what kind of compound it is. It’s a powerful hallucinogen. It appears to have a time-release mechanism to it with a twist. It not only releases the drug slowly, but also, is increasing the dose being released over time. I don’t believe the drug has reached its full potential for creating delusions yet. I feel keeping Rodney sedated and monitoring the levels of the drugs is all we can do, at least, for the moment.”

“Anyway to neutralize this drug, Dr. Beckett?” Woolsey asked.

“I have asked Dr. Margrove in bio-chem to assist my team to see if that’s possible.”

“Doctors, what kind of danger does this drug pose for Rodney and, possibly, Colonel Sheppard?”

Keller looked to Beckett, who answered, “Considerable danger; I'm afraid. The drug is very powerful, and Rodney’s system is saturated with it. We just don’t know what it will do to his body if an increasing amount of this drug continues to flood his system.”

“Then we need to find answers, and we need to find them fast.” Woolsey sounded disturbed

“And we need to find Sheppard.” Ronon grumbled.

"Yes, I haven’t forgotten, Ronon. We have to find the colonel.”


Atlantis was conducting the artificial intelligence unit’s version of pacing. She was running diagnostics to determine if there was any way to inform the others of the colonel’s accident. The first cycle failed to uncover a system that she could connect to from the location where he had fallen. She re-initiated the diagnostic, looking for an alternative path.

The damage to the sector where Sheppard had fallen was extensive. Atlantis was concerned that the lack of repairs might cost Sheppard his life. She needed to determine a way to communicate with the others, for time was running out. John Sheppard lay on the cold deck, barely breathing, a metal stake through his body. As she watched over him, she wondered if she would have been better off if this man with his special abilities had not come to her. She would have not assimilated the emotions he hid, or felt the emotions of the others through him. Then she would not be experiencing the fear that was building inside her. Fear that she would lose him; fear that she would be alone once more.


Chuck Campbell activated the view screen in the main conference room. He narrated the visuals from the gate room's security cameras as Woolsey, Teyla, Ronon, and Lorne watched.

“This is from 06:30 hours, when Teyla and Ronon along with Captain Stackhouse’s team departed for Evona. Liang told me that he saw Colonel Sheppard going down the stairs, geared up, heading for the gate, as he was dialing the address. Sheppard threw up his hand and told him he would see him later. You can see the colonel enter the picture at the bottom of the screen, just as the last of Stackhouse’s team enters the event horizon. But the colonel never goes through.”

The time-stamp on the view screen changed to 0820 hours, when Rodney, the agronomists, and Captain Isaacs’ team departed. “I was on duty then, and the entire scenario was the same as Liang reported. The colonel waved at me as I was dialing the gate, just as he had earlier. You can see that he entered the image as the team filed through the gate, but Colonel Sheppard did not go through the gate.”

“You are certain that the colonel did not gate off with another team.”

“Yes, we’ve reviewed all the video; the colonel didn’t go through the gate.” Chuck answered.

“Then he has to be on Atlantis.” Woolsey remarked.

Lorne tapped his COM, “Major Waters; I want search teams dispatched all over this city. Assemble teams of two, so they can cover more turf, and send me updates at fifteen minute intervals.”

Ronon rose, “I’m searching too.”

“As am I,” Teyla rose as well.

“First, I would like for you to accompany me to Colonel Sheppard’s quarters. You might spot something out of place before I would.” Sheppard’s teammates nodded.

Lorne turned to Woolsey, “Sir, I would like to send Major Teldy to Subara to talk to Terdarin. He’s a scientist; perhaps he knows something about this compound, and how it got into Dr. McKay.”

“I would rather you go than Major Teldy. While she is an exceptional officer, I don’t believe she has your diplomatic skills, major.”

“You saying that Teldy would be libel to knock the Subarans on their ass, and then ask questions, Mr. Woolsey?”

The corner of Woolsey’s mouth curled slightly, “Let’s just say, I believe you might keep causalities to a minimum. Take Dr. Zelenka and Dr. Beckett with you.”

“Yes, sir; Ronon, Teyla, I’ll send Teldy with you to Colonel Sheppard’s quarters to see if you can find anything there to help us. Let’s get some answers, people.”

Within fifteen minutes, Major Lorne, along with Beckett and Zelenka gated to Subara, as Woolsey watched from the breezeway leading to his office. From his COM, he could hear the first round of check-in's by the search teams. He gazed around the gate room and the control room, knowing there was only one question on the minds of the worried faces surrounding him. Where was Colonel Sheppard?


Atlantis had begun to send data bytes through the communications system. The repetitive signals included the sector that Sheppard had been injured in, as well as, his military ID number, which she had secured from his digital file. She was trying to reach the ones with the natural gene. She reasoned that if she could transmit the information to them, they might understand what she was trying to communicate. At least, she hoped they would. None of the others possessed as strong a gene as the colonel. While they could operate the simpler items such as the doors or the transporters and the maintenance equipment, none of them could interact with her. The fact was, very few of the builders of the city-ships could interact with the AI’s. The designers, who possessed exceptionally strong genes, made certain that only someone with a very powerful gene could control Atlantis.

She had been distracted by Sheppard’s behavior, and had focused on nothing else occurring in the city, as she monitored the colonel’s wanderings. The city’s operations, utilities, computer systems, the gate all ran seamlessly in her autonomic processors. It wasn’t until she began to broadcast the colonel’s situation throughout Atlantis that she became aware that the one with the large brain was in the infirmary. She had finally begun to think of him as Doctor McKay, because the colonel referred to him that way. She had hoped to reach him. His ability to process information was extraordinary and he had proven he could recognize her efforts to communicate with him, although he only possessed an artificial gene. However, as long as he was under sedation, there would be no way for him to respond to her.

She was concentrating on the other two people who had a strong natural gene; the one called Lorne and the healer. As she reached out for them, she felt the gate engage and realized that both the men she sought were about to depart the city. She emitted a surge of energy, aimed at them, hoping to stop them. However, she was too late, or they were not strong enough to hear her. They were gone. She was going to have to find another way. Sheppard was getting weaker, his breathing shallow; she was running out of time.


Major Teldy uncovered the control panel outside Colonel Sheppard’s quarters, inputting the override code to unlock the door. She stepped inside, and used the manual switch to turn on the ambient lights.

With an obvious note of surprise in her voice, Teldy said, “This is not at all what I expected. I assumed the colonel would be extremely neat.”

Teyla had walked to the center of the room, and slowly turned around, observing the entire room. “The colonel is quite tidy; this is not how he usually keeps his quarters.”

Sheppard’s room was in disarray. His bedclothes were twisted and partially lying on the floor; his pillow wadded up. Clothing and towels left a trail to and from the bathroom. There were water bottles and a few beer cans strewn about everywhere.

Ronon walked to the bed, picking up several magazines from the floor. He turned and looked Teyla, “He’s in trouble.”

“Yes; yes he is. We need to let Dr. Keller know what we found here. Major, you need to let your people know that the colonel may not be himself. He may be suffering from the same delusions that Dr. McKay is, that there is someone one after him.”

“Yes, ma’am; I’ll inform Major Waters and Captain Stackhouse. Don’t worry, ma’am; we’ll be careful. I’ll put an order in for maintenance to clean the colonel’s quarters immediately.”

“Thank you, major.” Teyla smiled at Teldy, then turned to Ronon. “Let us go talk to Dr. Keller and Mr. Woolsey, then we will join the search for the colonel.”


Cymus Larp rose from the ornate chair behind his desk. Walking around to stand in front of Major Lorne, the chief of the Subaran Council’s expression was one of sheer disdain.

“What exactly are you intimating, major? Are you trying to say that someone from Subara is responsible for the delusions these two men are suffering? You owe the citizens of Subara an apology for making such an accusation.”

Lorne swallowed, “Sir; no one is accusing anyone of anything. We have come to request your assistance in determining if Dr. McKay and possibly, Colonel Sheppard, were exposed to this chemical while on Subara.”

Beckett interjected, “We need for your scientists to review the formula to determine if it’s familiar. If it is, we need your assistance in helping us neutralize the compound.”

Teid Onais, the trade minister that Sheppard’s team met with originally, stepped closer to Larp, “Chief, the Atlantians visited here as representatives of the Pegasus Coalition. We would be remiss if we did not assist them; they are allies.”

Chief Larp glared at Onais for a few seconds, then said, “It is late; take them to Proffer Terdarin’s home. Let the proffer see if he can help them.”

Lorne, Beckett, and Zelenka followed Onais to a transport that would take them to the scientist’s residence. As they walked outside, Lorne noticed a large moon had risen, casting pale silver light across the city. The major turned to Beckett, “I think sending Teldy would have been a better idea. These guys need an attitude adjustment; if they keep this up, I’m going to give them one.”

Beckett nodded, “I hear ya, major; the chief doesn’t seem to have any desire to cooperate.”

Lorne detoured to speak to Captain Isaacs, whose team had remained outside of the government center, then caught up with Beckett and Zelenka. They were about to get into the transport, when he stopped them. “If either of you think these people are trying to hide something, let me know. I’ve instructed Isaacs to return to the gate. If he doesn’t hear from me in thirty minutes, he is to contact Atlantis for reinforcements.” He paused, his mouth curling in a soft smile, “Colonel Sheppard’s spidy sense is contagious. I’m feeling it now; something isn’t right here.”

The ride to the residential quarters of the learning center took about five minutes. A maid answered the door at Terdarin's home and ushered them into the proffer’s office. Terdarin was sitting at his desk. He didn’t rise when they entered the room.

Onais spoke, “Proffer, this is Major Lorne, Dr. Beckett, and Dr. Zelenka from Atlantis. They have come to ask for your assistance.” He turned to Lorne, “Major, forgive me, I have a meeting tomorrow that I need to prepare for. The transport will be available when you are ready to leave.” Lorne nodded thanks and Onais departed.

Beckett spoke, “Dr. McKay, who visited here a few days ago, is quite ill. He is suffering from delusions and seems to be getting worse. We've isolated a compound that we believe may be the source. Could you please see if you recognize the compound?”

“Why are you asking me? McKay was here days ago, he could have been exposed anywhere since then. What makes you think he picked up something here?”

Zelenka turned his pad around so that Terdarin could see the chemical formula on the screen, “Do you recognize this compound?”

Terdarin reached out, taking the pad from Zelenka. After looking at the screen for a few seconds, he visibly paled, and quickly rose from his chair. “Where did you get this?”

Beckett questioned the scientist, “You recognize what this compound is, don’t you? Tell me, I have a patient that needs help.”

“This, this was supposed to be destroyed. They promised me they were going to destroy it. I can’t believe this; he lied to me, lied.”

Beckett slammed his fist on the table, “Damn it, man, tell me. Do you know what this compound is?”

“Of course he does, Dr. Beckett. He knows exactly what that compound is; Proffer Terdarin developed it.”

The Atlantians turned toward the voice to find Chief Larp leaning against the frame of the open doorway. He stepped into the room, followed by four burly guards, leaving more guards in the hall.

Terdarin rushed Larp only to be grabbed roughly by one of the guards. His face was turning crimson with anger, “Larp; you told me that this would be destroyed. You know it’s dangerous, you know what it can do. How could you? Why did you give it to Dr. McKay? Why, you despicable…” He tried to break free from the guard but couldn’t.

“We had to see if the drug worked. It's the perfect weapon to use against anyone who attempts to attack us. We decided to try it on Dr. McKay and Colonel Sheppard. Your belligerent behavior during your meeting with the Atlantians seemed to be the perfect cover for our little trial. It the Atlantians figured it out then you would be blamed. I just didn't expect them to figure it out so quickly.”

“Trial, what kind of trial; what have you done to our people?” Beckett was agitated, and Zelenka had grabbed his arm to keep him from rushing Larp as well.

Lorne walked over to Larp. “Chief, what’s going on here?”

“Nothing you need to be concerned about.” He turned to a guard, “Take them to the lab. I imagine Dr. Phyth will like having some new subjects to test when he returns.”

Lorne motioned to Beckett and Zelenka not to resist. Their weapons were confiscated, and they were escorted to a waiting transport and driven away.


Richard Woolsey found himself holding his breath, as the time for the next search update grew close. Teams had been searching the city for an hour, fanning out from the central tower, yet they had found no trace of Colonel Sheppard.

Major Anne Teldy was standing behind night shift gate tech, Liang Wu’s console in the gate room. Liang was monitoring the progress of the teams as they worked the search grid. Teldy had not taken her eyes off the monitor.

“Major; you look puzzled.” Woolsey quietly walked up beside her.

She shook her head, “We’re missing something; I can feel it. I just can’t figure out what.”

“Some of Colonel Sheppard’s intuition rubbing off on you, major?”

Sighing Teldy answered, “Lorne warned me; he said that the colonel’s instincts had a tendency to rub off on those around him. He laughed when he told me, said that having a ‘spidy sense’ came in handy. Today, it doesn’t seem to be serving me very well.”

“He’s on Atlantis, major. We will find him, it’s just a matter of ….” The sound of the stargate engaging interrupted.


Liang was already checking the IDC screen, “It’s Captain Isaacs, sir.”

Just as Woolsey and Teldy reached the mezzanine railing, Isaacs rushed through the gate. Spotting the director, he ran toward the balcony, “Mr. Woolsey, major, we have a problem. Lorne, Beckett, and Zelenka have been taking captive by the Subarans.” Woolsey motioned him to the control room.

They met the captain on the landing. Woolsey spoke first, “Captive, what are you talking about. Who’s taking them captive?”

"Chief Larp, the head of the government. Lorne and the doctors went to see Terdarin after they spoke with him. As they were leaving the government center, Lorne told me that he felt the Subarans were hiding something. He ordered us back to the gate, and said if we hadn’t heard from him in thirty minutes, to call for assistance.”

“If you were back at the gate, how did you know they were captured?” Teldy asked.

“Major Lorne opened his COM while they were in Terdarin’s home. We heard everything. Terdarin recognized the compound and started yelling about someone lying. Then Larp arrived and Terdarin accused him of lying to him about the compound. Something about telling him that the compound had been destroyed. Larp admitted they gave the drug to the colonel and Dr. McKay. They took them away to a lab, but I don’t know where. I instructed my team to recon the government center, but to stay out of sight. I wanted them to be able to monitor any communication from Lorne or possibly get an idea of where they’ve been taken.”

“Mr. Woolsey, I need to pull some teams from the search.”

“Major, we need all hands looking for the colonel.”

“And we need information on what they were given and it’s on that planet; along with our people.”

Liang spoke up, “Mr. Woolsey, I might have a solution so we don’t lose any numbers on the search. In fact, there will be more people searching. Dr. Egorov and Dr. Ronaldson have offered to organize the scientists to help search. They don’t want to sit by, they want to help look for the colonel.”

“It could be dangerous; I don’t know if I like the idea of sending the scientists into unexplored areas.”

Teldy responded, “We won’t; I’ll pull the military teams out of the surveyed areas, and send them into the un-explored or off-limits sections. That way the scientists can search the secure areas. They can report to Captain Stackhouse, I’m taking Waters and Salem with me to pilot the jumpers.”

“Sounds, good, major; proceed. Liang, let the doctors know their help is appreciated and to report to Captain Stackhouse.”

Teldy walked away, already on the COM with Major Waters. Liang looked over a Woolsey. “Well, sir, another normal day on Atlantis.”

“Are there any other kind, Liang?” The question was rhetorical, they already knew the answer was no.


She sensed their movement throughout her. Slow and methodical, they were creeping along the corridors, moving away from the tower. She must find a way to get their attention and bring them to him. His breathing was becoming worse; she was uncertain how much time she had. She had attempted to re-route power to the damage area where he lay, but the conduits were broken. She was unable to repair the connections. She had tried every path available to her, but the crystalline wires were shattered in too many locations. There had to be another way. She began to formulate a plan.


Beckett was pacing, his Scottish brogue becoming increasingly more pronounced, as he ranted at Terdarin. They had been taken to a small room located in one story building about five miles outside of the city. Beckett had confronted the Subaran as soon as the door was locked behind them.

“Tell me what this compound is. I have one and most likely two, of my colleagues and closest friends affected by this drug. Tell me what it is.” He was standing inches from the bench that Terdarin had collapsed on when he entered.

Terdarin didn’t answer; he was holding his head in his hands. Beckett grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him against the wall. “Tell me, damn it.”

Lorne pulled Beckett away, “Doc, that’s not going to help.”

Zelenka sat down on the bench next to the Subaran. “Proffer Terdarin, we are sorry to be so…so…adamant, but we need answers. Could you please tell us about this chemical? We know it is some sort of hallucinogen that causes delusions and that there is a time-release mechanism. We do not know what it is used for, or if there is an antidote. We need your help.”

Terdarin closed his eyes and spoke, his voice quiet, “We had recovered from the devastation of the Wraith attacks during the cullings of nearly three hundred years ago. It had been so long that we thought those vile creatures were no longer a threat. Then a few years ago, we were culled again. A passing convoy of a few small Wraith ships, our sentinels said. They didn’t take many, but what they took was enough. They took my wife and son. I wanted revenge; I didn't want anyone else to suffer what I had suffered. I had to figure out a way to stop them, so I began working on the compound. I talked my colleague, Viab Orsoneri, into helping me. We developed a drug that would induce paranoia and delusions in the Wraith. It was designed to slowly release into their system and cause them to turn on each other.”

Beckett had calmed down somewhat, “How did you expect to deliver the drug?”

“The trade minister, Teid Onais, traveled off-world quite often, and he learned of a large group of Wraith worshipers living together on an culled planet that had been abandoned. The worshipers would disguise themselves and gate off-world to trade. Eventually someone would discover who they were and they would have to find another planet to trade with. Teid was able to determine the gate address to the planet that they inhabited. That information started our plan.”

“Even if you could gate to the planet, how would you be able to distribute the drug?” Beckett asked.

“According to what Teid learned, the Wraith visited the planet where the Wraith worshipers settled quite often to partake of nectar that is produced by a certain plant that grows there. We thought that if we could add the drug to the nectar supply, we could dose them that way. We made it a time-release so that a large number of them would consume the drug before they became aware of what was happening.”

Lorne looked puzzled, “Nectar? The Wraith didn’t eat, uh, food then, what would they want with nectar?”

“According to what we heard it was something that they used in some sort of ceremony.”

“Interesting, they started out as bugs, could be that this nectar was a food for them then. They may have retained a need for it; but this is something I have never heard before. I must say an ingenious plan.”

Lorne added. “Colonel Sheppard told me the Wraith, Todd, once said that there was much about the Wraith we didn’t know.”

“Aye, they have proven to be a more complex race than we originally thought.”

Zelenka asked, “You said that Larp lied to you. What did he lie about?”

“When word came that the Wraith threat was gone, thanks to Atlantis, Viab and I decided to destroy the drug. It was dangerous and we didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands. That is why I was so belligerent with Dr. McKay. I didn’t want him asking too many questions of my staff. I was afraid that someone would inadvertently speak about the drug. I was hoping to make him mad enough to not want anything to do with us. The disrespect I gave him was, in my mind, necessary.”

Lorne asked, “I take it the drug was not destroyed.”

Terdarin shook his head. “Larp had his minions confiscate the drug inventory and data that we had before we could destroy it. He told us that the government had decided they were going to petition to join the Pegasus Coalition. He said that the government wanted to make absolutely certain that the drug and any record of it had been destroyed. Obviously, they had other motives.”

Beckett asked, “Is there an antidote for this drug?”

Nodding, Terdarin replied, “Yes, there is, but there is a limited time window to administer the reversal compound. It must be given within the first seven days after the initial dose is taken to be effective. It must be given before the drug alters the brain chemistry permanently.”

Beckett turned to Lorne, “Then major, we need to get out of here.”

Lorne smiled, “Isaacs would have contacted Atlantis by now. I imagine Teldy is on her way with the cavalry.”

Beckett and Zelenka appeared relieved, but Terdarin looked distressed. “If McKay and Sheppard were given the drug four days ago, the drug is nearly fully dispensed. It delivers the bulk of the dosage by five to six days. The drug binds with normal brain chemicals causing reactions even after metabolized. Your friends are in trouble. They don’t have much time.”

author: stella_pegasi, hurt/comfort, character: jennifer keller, friendship, pg-13, character: anne teldy, original characters, whump, action/adventure/, character: ronon dex, fic, character: john sheppard, character: richard woolsey, angst, character: evan lorne, character: carson beckett, character: teyla emmagan, character: rodney mckay

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