Extra Extra, Read All About It Challenge at Stargateland

Feb 02, 2011 14:21

Title: Club Meeting
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing(s): none
Word Count: 734

Written for the Extra, Extra, Read All About It Challenge at Stargateland...

The Stargate program has been declassified and the world is reacting to the announcement. Write about the reaction, minimum word count 150 words.

Club Meeting

by stella-pegasi

“Quiet, everyone, quiet!”

The buzz in the room, reluctantly, fell to a level where he could be heard.

“Hey, everyone, I know you’re all excited, but let’s follow protocol here.” The young man speaking, Brian Patterson sat down in the mock-up of a command chair. He pressed a button on the box embedded in the arm; and a sound much like a warning siren emitted. A red light overhead flashed, then glowed steadily.

“I call to order this special Red Alert meeting of the official MIT chapter of the Star Trek Fan Club. As you all know, our wishes have come true, this morning the President of the United States confirmed the rumors that have been flying around for months. He announced that the US and other nations, under the command of the US Air Force have, for nearly twenty years, been traveling to other planets. Hell, they’ve been traveling through that cool stargate to other galaxies!!!!!”

The thirty or so members yelled and whooped and hollered for several minutes until Brian hit the Red Alert button again. The celebration settled, but only to a simmer.

“Now, we have a decision to make. As many of you know, several people have requested that we re-name the club the Official MIT Stargate Fan Club. Yeoman Conners, I believe you have a motion to put before the floor.” He pointed to a young woman dressed in a short light blue Star Fleet uniform.

“Thank you, Admiral Patterson; I do. I motion that we re-name our club the Official MIT Stargate Fan Club and also, change our member titles to reflect the ranks within the Air Force and within the various alien races. “

Brian asked, “Any seconds?”

“Hell, yes, I second!!” Said a guy in the back who was wearing pointed ears.

Any discussion?”

One lone member in a red shirt said, “I think we should do two clubs, I like Star Trek.”

“Harry, you’re a red shirt. You get killed in every role play we do. Maybe you won’t get killed here, so buck up.”

“All in favor say, aye?” The din was deafening.

“Opposed?” Everyone looked to Harry, but he was quiet.

“It’s official; we are now the MIT Stargate Fan Club. Now, we need to discuss what we do from here. This is a big day for all of us and this planet. We have real heroes to look up to.”

The members began to talk over each other…

“OMG, did you see those colonels! How hot were they? Oh, that one that commands the military on Atlantis, the one with the sexy hair, Sheppard…whoa! Better looking than Paris or Riker. And those ears, Preston won’t have to stop wearing his!!!!”

“I know, and that one from Stargate Command, Mitchell…love his accent and those blue eyes! I tell you though that general from the Pentagon, O'Neill, he could command me anyday.”

"Hey, did you see that hot chick, Colonel Carter? Man she’s got a PhD in astrophysics. How cool is that! I’m changing my major.”

“I’m partial to those hot scientists. Did you know that my brother took a class from Dr. McKay years ago? He said he was brilliant, but a pain in the ass. Well, he looks hot now!!! And that little guy with him, with the messy hair and glasses…I could just eat him alive!!!”

"I never thought archeology was very interesting, but man, that hunk archeologist, Daniel Jackson, just converted me!"

“Well, I gotta tell ya, those aliens, Ronon, Teal’c and the most beautiful Teyla and Vala…if that’s what we have to look forward to meeting out there. I’m signing up today.”

“Bummer about that team that is lost on the…, what did they call it; oh yeah, the Destiny. Glad to hear that Dr. McKay may have found a way to get them home. Hope they can recover that ship. It sounds interesting.”

One of the members who was hunched over a laptop, looked up triumphantly. “I got all the footage from the press conference screencapped and loaded to Photobucket. I’m posting them on LJ now!”

“Hey guys, latest word is that they are going to declassify the mission reports starting tomorrow. Fan fiction here we come!!!”

Brian, now General Patterson, looked over his excited members and smiled. The real thing is a lot better than make believe; yet, nothing seemed different…except now…geeks really did rule. Shiny.

team atlantis, stargateland, fiction

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