What Lies Within Chapter Four Resurrection

Jan 09, 2011 23:19

WORD COUNT: 19,325



By stella_pegasi

Chapter 4 Resurrection

General Landry had seen a lot of anxious military teams before, but the amount of adrenaline floating through the team assembly room across the hall from the gate room was thick. The airmen and Marines were waiting for a place to go, anywhere to go. Some were pacing back and forth almost as if on sentry duty. Some were playing cards, still others were checking their weapons. Landry was considering sending them off-world somewhere just to bleed off the adrenaline. However, if Colonel Sheppard’s possible location was determined, and they were not on base, he’ d have to find a place to hide.

Leaving the assembly room, he headed for the lab where McKay and his team were working. Walking into the lab, he chuckled. He wasn’t certain that the adrenaline was any thinner in the lab. He spotted Daniel Jackson standing between McKay and Zelenka, both hunched over their laptops. He headed toward them.

Catching Jackson’s eye, he quietly asked, “They find anything yet?”

Jackson opened his mouth to answer, but McKay spoke first, “No, they haven’t. And having people look over my shoulder is not helping.”

“He’s a bit testy…hasn’t found anything yet.” Jackson whispered.

“Yeah, I get that.” Landry whispered back, then louder said. “Dr. McKay, we have a galaxy, how hard can it be to find an address. The Asgard gave us all the addresses in this galaxy, didn’t they?”

McKay sighed, “Yes; they did, except the only gate address that we have for that system is for a planet that is currently registering subzero temperatures. According to mission report filed two years ago by SG-14, the planet underwent a major cataclysmic event, huge volcano eruptions that changed the climate. That is not where this ‘city’ is located.”

“Then Malon may have been wrong, or the wonder truth drug didn’t work?”

McKay sighed deeper, “Exactly.”

Landry turned to leave, when Radek’s excited voice broke the silence that had fallen, “Zjistily, že je, myslím, že! I found it, at least I think so.”

Landry rushed back, “Found what?”

“The gate address; Rodney thought that if the Asgard didn’t provide the gate address to this planet, there might be a reason. I have been searching through the section of the Ancient database where we found the notation about the city. I found an encrypted entry, which turned out to be a gate address. Fortunately, Dr. Hightower had broken this encryption a long time ago. I can trace the gate address to the mention of the city.”

“You’re certain that this is the address we are looking for.”

“Yes, general, it has to be.”

Landry wasn’t certain if ‘has to be’ was wishful or positive thinking, but he was going to run with it. He tapped his com, “Mitchell; we have a gate address, get a MALP ready.

Within fifteen minutes, a MALP was ready to deploy to the planet with the Atlantis team standing by, waiting to follow. Drs. McKay, Jackson, and Zelenka entered the control where Mitchell and Landry waited with Delek and Lorne. After they arrived, Landry ordered the gate tech to dial the address. They held their breath until the event horizon formed, and were quiet as the MALP rolled forward through the gate.

McKay was staring intently at the monitor, as if willing the image to appear. The camera slowly panned to the right, where the broken columns came into view, then panning back to the left. They could see the wide path leading away from the gate. It was only when the MALP panned to the left and the DHD came into view that the first sound was uttered in the control room. An audible gasp from Delek as two Tok’ra came into view. They watched helplessly as one of the guards raised his weapon firing at the MALP. The image flickered and blacked out.

“Close the iris,” Landry barked. “Well, that should confirm what we needed to know. That’s the correct gate address.”

“General, from the brief glimpse of the area, I believe there is room for the jumpers to navigate. I think it’s time to bring in reinforcements.”

“I agree, major, make it happen.”


“Furlings? Your race was believed to be extinct for millions of years. The Tok’ra have heard stories of the glory of the Furlings. Of the beauty of your cities, of the music, the art, the amazing technology that rivaled the Alterans. For many years, we only could dream of learning more about your people. Unfortunately, it is still a dream; we have no time to devote to study. The enemy is within once more.”

Ganero smiled as he looked at Sheppard, “You seem a bit surprised as well, colonel. I see that you have heard of my people.”

“I’ve read enough SGC mission reports to have seen mention of the Furlings. I have to admit; I don’t know a lot about you.”

“As Lanar mentioned, we have been thought to be extinct for eons, but we only left this galaxy for new worlds. The plague also affected us. We fled as the Alterans did for self preservation. Perhaps we were somewhat egotistical believing that we had something to offer the rest of the universe.”

“Do you have any idea what happen to your people?”

“No, colonel, we do not, only if the Arx has been updated would we know anything. There have been no updates since we were placed in stasis, eons ago. Unless you know, then the fate of my people is a mystery to us all.”

“Well, maybe one day, we will find out what happened to them. Right now, we need to worry about our own fate. Ganero, what defenses did the Ancients put in place here?”

“We were intended to be a place of sanctuary, peaceful; only offering knowledge. Before the Alteran’s left the planets they inhabited in this galaxy, they installed the Light Tower and the stasis pods, along with a defensive system. There is a shield that surrounds the Arx, and they installed a sellas deep under one of the buildings.”


“A control device, one sits in it to operate the defense system.”

“A chair, a control chair, what building is it under?”

Ganero motioned to one of the guides, who pressed a button changing the screen to a map of the Arx. The guide pointed to one building, “We are currently located here. The building you seek is here on the other side of the Arx.”

“Where are we within this building? I need to find a way out.”

“We are in a serenity lounge on the top floor, used for private meditation and study. That door is the only exit, and it is locked. We have already tried to open it but we could not.”

Let’s see if my ‘cistron’ will override the door lock. He nodded his head to Ganero, then concentrated on releasing the lock. Silently, the door slid open. “Sometimes having this thing in me is a good thing.”

“Thank you, colonel.” Lanar answered, again Sheppard could hear a note of amusement in the Tok’ra voice.

“I was referring to the gene. Don’t get comfortable, you’re not staying…right?” He was sure he perceived a chuckle resonating in his head.

Sheppard gingerly peered into the hallway and seeing no one, motioned for the others to follow. He whispered to Ganero, “We need to get you and your people to another location. Is there a place you can hide?”

“There is a storage building at the rear of the Arx, where I will send the guides, but I will come with you. You will need my assistance.” He turned to the Guide Lerat, “ I need for you to lead the others to the servaro, split up and hide with in the pentrals. Do not respond to anyone, unless you hear from the colonel or me.”

No, master, we will not leave you. We will stay together, this is our fight as well.” Lerat was respectful but firm.

Ganero looked distressed, but Sheppard smiled, “Know how you feel, I have the same problem…sometimes my people don’t listen very well either.”

“This way to the transport chamber.”

Ganero led them to a translucent walled chamber in the center of the building. Sheppard stopped them before they entered the transport. “Let me go first, there have to be guards somewhere. Follow in a couple of minutes…hopefully, it will be clear.”

He entered the transport; Ganero right behind him. Sheppard smiled, “You don’t listen either.”

“No, bit of character fault.”

He tapped a symbol on a glass panel embedded in the wall and within a flash of light, the doors opened revealing they were on the ground floor, in the narrow lobby facing the front doors. The floor was dark, but as Sheppard stepped out, the lights began to glow. Quickly, he thought them off, there was still enough daylight for them to navigate the hallways. He motioned for Ganero to wait while he crept closer to the double glass entrance doors. As he slid against the wall, Lanar spoke.

“There are three Tok’ra outside just outside the door, be careful.”

Sheppard turned to Ganero, and saw that the guides had joined them. “We need a diversion.” He motioned to the guides, “Go down the hall and hide. Ganero, with me.”

They waited for the guides to get situated. Sheppard picked up a decorative statue from a small table along the inside wall and tossed it against the door. The door slid open and one of Partak’s guards stepped partially into the hall. He started to turn toward Sheppard when one of the guides made a noise, gaining the guard’s attention. He entered further, the door sliding closed. As the Tok’ra guard started to move toward the noise, Sheppard hit him from behind with another statue, dropping the guard to the floor. Quickly, the guides rushed up and pulled the Tok’ra down the hallway. Sheppard retrieved the zat the guard had been carrying.
“Colonel, are you familiar with the zat'ni'katel? I know you have not used one before.”

“Yeah, one stun, two kill, three vaporize; anything else?”

“No, that is what I wanted to make certain you realized. ”

“So, I stun only, right?”

Sheppard sensed hesitation in Lanar and clarified, “Stun…right; you don’t want me to risk killing the hosts?”

“These traitors must be stopped. We cannot risk any of them getting away. Our hosts understand the risk they take. They are willing to die for us, if necessary.”

“Well, I’m not willing to kill the hosts, unless absolutely necessary.”

Ganero grasped his arm, “What now?”

“Two more out there, they should be checking on their buddy any time now.”

Only a few seconds passed before the doors parted and the other guards cautiously entered the building. Sheppard thumped one on the shoulder. As the guard turned around, Sheppard threw a sharp upper-cut, sending the Tok’ra to the floor. He quickly spun around to tackle the other guard, but found one of the Furling guides had already taken care of the problem. The second guard was lying at the guide’s feet, out cold.

“Nice,” Sheppard grinned.

“We might be teachers and guides, colonel, but we are not helpless.”

“Didn’t think you were; grab those zats. Let’s get these guards tied up and hidden, then we need to get out of here.”

By the time they left the building, darkness had fallen. Sheppard sent one group of guides armed with one of the zats in the opposite direction that he and Ganero took. They would be able to move much quicker than the larger number of guides.

They stayed as close to the building as they could, as they made their way around to the opposite side of the Arx. They were nearly discovered by a couple of Tok’ra guards on patrol but managed to slip behind a building before they were seen.

“There’s the building, colonel. There are two entrances, if we approach from the outer perimeter, along the wall, we can reach the entrance at the rear of the building. The sellas room is ”

Sheppard nodded and motioned for Ganero to go ahead. With a glance over his shoulder to make certain they were no Tok’ra behind him, Sheppard followed.

Shortly, they were standing at their destination. Sheppard swiped his hand across the door controls, and the two men slipped through the doorway into a darkened hall.

“The sellas is in the lower level, there is a stairway close by. Come.” Ganero pointed to the left. As they turned toward the stairs, Sheppard heard slight movement behind him. He turned to see what the sound was just as Ganero was hit with zat fire. The Tok’ra fired again and Sheppard dropped to the floor next to the Furling.


The jumper descended from the bay located many floors above the embarkation room as the event horizon settled. Major Lorne was at the controls of the first jumper, Major Waters and Lieutenant Salem piloting the two jumpers waiting to descend.

“General, we’re ready, sir.” Lorne’s voice came through the speakers in the control room.

“You have a go, major. Don’t return without Colonel Sheppard, that’s an order.” General Landry replied.

Lorne grinned at Colonel Mitchell, who was sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, “That’s the plan, general.”

“Don’t think he’s kidding, major.” Mitchell grinned back as Lorne applied forward thrust and disappeared through the gate.


Sheppard was getting really tired of being stunned. As he came to, again, he blinked against the bright lights.

“Colonel, you are with us again.” The voice was Ganero’s.

“What the hell…should have been paying more attention…sorry.” He sat up, rubbing his neck, which was aching. Unconsciously, he thought that a snake was supposed to keep him healthy.

“Snake? I thought we were past the name calling, colonel.”

“Bit sensitive, aren’t you, you know what I mean.” He glanced around the room and saw that some, but not all, of the guides had been caught as well.

“Colonel, Partak is aware that you are my host. Once enough Tok’ra arrived, they could sense me. I don’t suspect that he will want to kill you because he still needs you, at least for now. But I do believe he will torture me, which will cause you some discomfort.”

“You think?”

“His intent will be to kill me, and he could do serious harm to you in the process. While you were unconscious, Ganero and I have devised a plan. However, we need to execute it quickly.”

“Execute…lovely choice of words, so, what’s the plan?”

An hour passed before Partak and Curnon entered the room, five other armed Tok’ra accompanying them. Sheppard was lying on a bench, his eyes closed. He didn’t move when Partak approached.

“Lanar, I need to speak to you.” Sheppard didn’t move and Partak kicked him in the ribs, rolling him off the bench. When he spoke, again, his voice was even angrier. “Speak, Lanar.”

Sheppard groaned as he lay on the floor, “What the hell do you want? Lanar, that’s the Tok’ra who was inside Selana? He’s dead.”

Partak motioned to the guards with him, “Pick him up.” None too gently, the guards pulled Sheppard to his feet.

“I have always known the Tau’ri are arrogant and foolish, and you are simply confirming my belief. I know you host Lanar. You have hosted him since Selana died. I sent men to backtrack the path you took prior to our finding you. We found her body, and we found a pool of blood. Blood, I am certain came from that wound in your abdomen. Too much blood for you to be in such good health. Lanar fled his host, entered you, healed you, and led you here. I know that you are not in control, colonel. Lanar is an idealist. He believes that the Tok’ra new plan to live in peace and tranquility is the optimal plan for the future. That we will draw hosts from those who are seeking a meditative and academic life. Fools, all of them, fools.” His voice became more agitated, as he grabbed the front of Sheppard’s tunic. “Speak to me now.”

“I am not Lanar’s host; he isn’t here.” Sheppard croaked, as Partak applied pressure to his chest.

Partak struck out, his fist connecting with Sheppard’s jaw, spinning him into a wall. Sheppard’s shoulder struck the wall first, then his head, momentarily stunning him. Partak pulled him away from the wall, striking him hard in the abdomen, directly over the wound where he had been impaled on the sapling. Sheppard groaned but withstood the blow, falling to the floor.

“You cannot fool me, Lanar. I know you healed him; I know you lie within him. Speak to me, or I will kill your host.”

Breathlessly, Sheppard replied, “I told…you, Lanar isn’t…in me.” He coughed violently, trying to catch his breath. “He did enter me and was healing me, but something happened. I think…I heard him say it was too late for him, he was dying. He managed to save me, then he left…me.”

“There was no evidence of Lanar’s body near Selana’s…I don’t believe you.”


Partak grabbed Sheppard and pulled him into a sitting position. He grabbed Sheppard’s head and stared into his eyes. After a few seconds, he released Sheppard, turning to Curnon. “He tells the truth, Lanar is not within him, at least now. But I know what I sensed, Lanar was here. Take the colonel back to the building where we found him, I want to know what they were looking for.” Curnon nodded to the guards standing next to Sheppard to pick him up, and was turning to leave, when Partak added, “If he should suffer a few bruises in transit, I would not object. He could stand a bit of that arrogance knocked from him, just be certain he remains conscious.”

Turning to Ganero, his face a mask of evil, Partak spoke quietly, “Now, which one of you is now host to Ganero. One of you has to be.”

Sheppard had been taken through the front door of the building that housed the chair. Once there, while they were waiting for Partak, the guards took turns punching Sheppard. Curnon seemed to especially enjoy slamming his fist into Sheppard sides, at one point, smiling as Sheppard cried out sharply when he felt a rib shatter. When Partak arrived, he found Sheppard collapsed on the floor, rivulets of blood trailing from his nose, mouth, and a cut on his cheek.

Partak kneeled next to Sheppard, “So, tell me, what was so important in this building. Tell me, or I will allow these men to have more fun.”

“Just…looked…like a good...p-place to hi-hide.”

“Do not lie to me, I am growing quite tired of the lies.” Partak struck Sheppard across the face. As his head rolled violently, thin tendrils of blood flew away from his face.

“If you continue to lie to me, colonel. I will begin killing these librarians, one by one, until you cooperate. As a matter of fact, at this moment, some of my people are persuading them to cooperate. Colonel, Lanar is here somewhere, and, if he is not within you, then one of these guides must be the host. I will find him, or kill him when I kill one of them. You can stop that, tell me why you were here.”

Sheppard inhaled as deeply as he could before sharp pain ripped through his right side. “C-control chair…works the archive…wanted to see if …find weapons…” he couldn’t continue.

“Where, where is this chair?”

“Low…lower level.”

“Take him,” Partak motioned to the guards.

Curnon grabbed Partak’s arm, but it was the Tok’ra he hosted, Ma’Tek who spoke, “Are you certain that you want him to have access to anything here? We know he has great power with Ancient devices.”

Partak’s eyes flashed, glowing brightly, “Do not question me again, Ma’Tek, or you will regret it. We must know the secrets of this place and Sheppard can give them to us. Now find the way to the lower level.”


Exiting the gate, the jumpers went to stealth mode, soon lost to the guards on the ground. As the guards were distracted, searching the skies for the ships, one of the jumpers circled back and landed near the gate. The guards heard the ramp dropped, but were not quick enough for the Marine’s who emerged from the jumper, firing Wraith stun rifles at the Tok’ra. Quickly, the Marine squad secured the six guards.

The team leader, tapped his radio, “Major, the gate is secure.”

“Understood, good job; stay in radio contact every half hour so that we can dial the SGC to give an update. Lorne out.”

Turning to Dr. McKay, he asked, “You have anything yet?”

“Yes; about twenty-four clicks straight ahead. There’s a huge spike in power coming from that direction, the energy signal matches that produced by ZPM’s.”

Mitchell smiled, “Now that’s what I like…let’s go get Sheppard, major.”

The jumpers made quick time of the distance to the power source. They flew straight down the wide pathway and soon the clearing that help the facility came into view. McKay, Zelenka, and Beckett crowded the cockpit to get a better view of what they could only hope was the citadel the Tok’ra had been looking for. Delek, who was sitting behind Mitchell, rose and leaned over Mitchell’s seat.

“Amazing, it actually does exist. I believed that it did, but to see it, it is impressive.”

As they got closer, the large wall circling the city was very evident. They could see several buildings standing in a circular pattern around a central building. As they flew closer, the glass tower in the center came into view, an audible gasp spewed from Zelenka.

„ACH můj... je to velké ZPM....it is giant ZPM!“ he uttered.

McKay rolled his eyes,“No, not a giant ZPM, but I am getting reading that there is a strong power source located in that building. We should fly over be...“

At that moment, the jumper shook violently, losing altitude rapidly. Lorne wrestled with the controls while he yelled a warning to the jumpers flanking his rear.

“Pull up, go around, go around, heavy turbulence.“

As he tried to gain altitude, Lorne was flying close to the city. They felt a hard blow as they bumped into something. The inertial dampeners could barely to handle the jolt.

Mitchell, gripping his chair, called out to Lorne, “What the hell did we just hit?“

He was looking at Lorne but McKay answered, “It’s a force field.“

Lorne replied, “It’s a fucking powerful force field, can you turn it off.“

“No, no way. We can’t control it from here.“

Lorne managed to get the jumper under control, then radioed the other pilots, “You guys, OK?” He voice calm, barely registering the stress he had just been through. Waters and Salem answered yes, and Lorne continued, “Stay back until further orders. We’re going to try and figure out what to do with this force field. Lorne out.” He looked over his shoulder at McKay.

“Alright Dr. McKay, it is my understanding that Ancient ships can penetrate Ancient shields. So what are we dealing with?”

“Give us some time, we’ll figure it out. You’re right; we should have been able to pass through. The energy readings are Ancient. Just…give us a minute…”

Mitchell remarked, ”Let’s see if we can raise Sheppard on the radio. I know he had one in his pack, but he might not have the pack with him if he’s ever here.”

Lorne nodded, “Yes, sir,” and began to call for Sheppard.

Mitchell grinned, “Damn good flying, major.”

Lorne chuckled and continued to call for Sheppard.


Ma’Tek found the staircase at the rear of the building, and Sheppard was dragged down the stairs. Finding themselves in a small vestibule, three long dark hallways stretched away from them. Partak told his people to search for a glowing door panel, and within seconds, one of the guards yelled.

The guard had found the door control at the end of the hall straight in front of them, a distance greater than the footprint of the building. Sheppard was a bit groggy, but he realized that the lower level must extend well into the plaza.

“Open the door.” Partak ordered him.

Sheppard laughed, “You open the door.” The comment brought another sharp backhand. He would have fallen if the guards had not had hold of him. A fresh line of blood flowed from his cut lip. “OK…I…I’ll open it.”

Weakly, he pulled his arm up and waved his hand across the control panel. The large plain metal door in front of them slid aside. The guards holding him pushed him into the room.

The lights came up as Sheppard entered, revealing a large console along one wall, lights were beginning to flicker, then burn steadily as Sheppard got further into the room. What captured Sheppard’s attention was the object that occupied the center of the room, an Ancient chair.

“Is that is, is that how the librarians access the information stored here?”

“Yeah…that’s what they use…”

“Then sit down, colonel, and give me the information I need. Remember, if you do not, well, I’ll just kill one of your friends until you cooperate.”

The guards roughly pushed Sheppard into the chair. The chair immediately responded to him, but he waited to recline. He was thinking how he might just do what Lanar wanted him to do. He felt capable of destroying these beasts without concern for the host. A fleeting thought at best, but one that felt very satisfying. He lay back and felt the warmth from the power of the chair rush through his body providing him with strength.

Partak and his men, who had never witnessed a chair activating, took a step back, as Sheppard had hoped they would. They didn’t notice the tiny groove in the floor around the chair, but he thought he might have an idea what it was. As soon as they were clear, he thought, ‘activate chair shield’, and a blue-green glow, emanating from the narrow groove, enveloped the chair.

He could hear Partak yelling to fire at him. The first guard, who fired was hit by his own blast as it bounced off the shield. Partak was becoming angrier, his cobalt blue eyes shining with the blue light of the shield.

“I will kill them. I will kill them all Sheppard.” Partak ran from the room, the guards leaving with him.

Sheppard quickly searched through the menu the database provided and found the security scanner showing the shield that encompassed the entire Aux. The scanner also showed something that made him want to laugh and cry at the same time. The unmistakable outline of three jumpers. He located the communications system and opened a channel.


“McKay, anything yet?” Mitchell was becoming impatient, so to needle McKay, he added, “Carter would have this figured out by now.”

If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Mitchell would have laughed at McKay’s face when he heard ‘Carter would’. He thought Sheppard would be proud.

“Stop with the questions befitting a five-year old. We are figuring out the frequency, and we’ll figure out how to jam it. Now leave us alone.”

Lorne was trying not to laugh, but he and Mitchell exchanged a glance that almost sent them both into laughter. McKay didn’t miss the look.

“Look, I don’t know if you two went to Air Force idiot school, or if you were both born that way. Now shut up, and let us work.”

Lorne was about to apologize when the radio activated, and a familiar voice floated through the jumper. “Hey, guys…d-did you bring…any p-pizza? I’m…starving.”

Grins spread through all three jumpers, Mitchell answered for them, “Shep, you OK?”

“Y-yeah…I’m fine.” No one believed him.

“Colonel, where are you, sir?”

“Basement of one of the buildings…in a chair; I am going to lower the shield around the Aux, so you can land.”

McKay asked, “Aux?”

“Yeah, you’re g-gonna love it here, McKay.”

“Sir, we are showing the shield down, will be landing in a minute. Hang on, we’re coming for you.” Lorne began descending to land in the city.

“Why am I gonna love it, Sheppard?”

“All the…knowledge of the A-ancients, the Asgard, the…Nox and the Furlings is stored here. And Rodney,… there are Furlings here; t-tall people, can read minds.”

“Oh hell, he’s delusional, we need to get down there.”

“Mitchell, P-partak’s on his way to…kill the Furlings…need to stop him.” Sheppard was beginning to sound weaker.

“Where, Sheppard?” Mitchell asked.

“Not sure which building, the Master and eleven guides, he’s gonna kill them. Hang on, let me see if I can find them.” The radio was silent for about a moment, then Sheppard’s voice returned.

“The building…directly east from the c-center tower, they’re in a…large room on the second floor. Hurry…”

“We’ll get them, Sheppard.”

Mitchell began to tell the Marine teams what he wanted done. Lorne, you and McKay, Beckett, and Delek take the Marines on board and get Sheppard. The rest of us will find Partak.” Within seconds of touch down, the jumpers unloaded and the two groups separated to find their quarry.

Lorne and his entourage headed for Sheppard, who was guiding them by radio. When they burst into the room, they stopped at the sight before them. Sheppard was bathed in a bluish-green glow, his face bloody, wearing a Tok’ra uniform. Slowly, the glow faded and they could approach the colonel.

Beckett shoved McKay out of the way, and began to check Sheppard for injuries. Sheppard smiled at him, “Not as…bad as I look, Carson.”

Carson harrumph in reply, then asked, “Lad, what have ya done here.” He was poking the torn bloody hole in his tunic.

“Oh, that’s nothing. Fell onto a tree stump...nasty wound, but Lanar healed it.”

Lorne exhaled, “Lanar…how did Lanar…is he’s in there now?”

Carson was confused, “Who healed you? Lanar? What does Major Lorne mean by in ya?”
“He was, but not now…”

“You had one of those snakes in you?” McKay winced.

“Yeah, nice…guy…funny.”

OK, now I know he’s delusional…ranting about Furlings and funny Goa’uld.”

“Don’t…call them Goa’uld, Rodney…they d-don’t like that. Gotta get to Ganero and the others. Partak’s going to kill them.”

“No, you’re not going anywhere, laddie.” Carson was firm but Sheppard stood up, Lorne holding him steady.

“Going, got…I have to protect them, I’m an Elago Unes.”

As they left the chair room, McKay muttered, “delusional.”

They walked into a hostage situation. Mitchell and the Marines had made quick work of the Tok’ra renegades, until they reached the room that the Furlings were being held in. Sheppard’s anger spiked when he saw that several of the Furlings had been beaten, one appearing unconscious. Now Partak was standing in the center of the room, holding a knife to Ganero’s throat.

“Put the knife down, Partak. It’s over.” Sheppard wrestled his arm away from Beckett, who had tried to restrain him. “You’ve lost. No powerful system lord status in your future.”

“Stay away from me, it’s Lanar I want, I know he’s here. I know he has to be in Ganero.”

“Colonel Sheppard, I am glad to see you are alive. I waited to reveal myself until I knew you were safe.” The deep resonate voice of Lanar was coming from his new host, Lerat.

“Partak, the colonel is correct. You have no where to go; it is over. Killing Ganero will serve no purpose and will cause these men to kill your host. I cannot allow that. Please, let us keep your host well. You know your fate, but do not make me kill you now.”

“How, how did you hide from me?”

“Colonel Sheppard was able to shield me using his gene until there were too many of you to protect me from. When we realized that you knew he was my host, we decided to switch. Colonel Sheppard allowed me to exit his body, and Lerat accepted me. The telepathic power of the Furlings was able to shield me by deflecting any thoughts that were coming toward Lerat and me. Release the hold you have on your host, allow Tovar to speak.”

Partak stared at Lanar/Lerat, terror more than anger in his eyes, then dropped the knife. Dropping his head, he surrendered to Tovar. When his raised his head, Tovar’s eyes were brimming with tears. “Lanar, I tried, I tried to keep him from doing those things but he blocked me.”

Lanar grasped Tovar’s shoulder, “It is alright.”

The Marines took control of Tovar. However, after a shake of the head from Sheppard, they did not restrain him, but led him from the room.

Crisis over, Sheppard realized that he was about to pass out, and sank onto one of the benches. Rushing over, Beckett began to check his vitals. Delek was conversing with Lanar. McKay and Zelenka were already talking to the Furling guides, stepping over each other asking questions. Ganero smiled at Sheppard. He was happy, Sheppard felt, because this was the master was meant to do.

While Beckett rummaged for first aid supplies, Mitchell sat down next to his friend. “Furlings, huh?” Sheppard nodded tiredly. Mitchell continued, “You know Jackson’s going to wet himself when he hears.”

“Ummmm…so he’s worse than McKay?” Sheppard attempted a smile, but was too tired.


“Mitchell, you have the gene?”


“Beckett’ll give…it to you, with luck it’ll take. That way, next…time this sort of s-situation comes up, you can go. I’m not…doing this again.”

Mitchell laughed as he leaned back against the wall. They had found the Ancient city, foiled the bad guys, and Sheppard’s injuries were painful but survivable, thanks to Lanar. Not a bad mission, not bad at all. Besides, he knew that tomorrow, they’d do it all over again.
“The end…“

Trapped in the Milky Way far from home, John is forced to host a Tok’ra whilst on the run from the bad guys. The Tok'ra won't let him go back to Earth and Sheppard refuses to go to the Tok'ra home world. SG1 are looking for Sheppard, but so are the bad guys, who eventually catch them. Far from home and help, Sheppard and the Tok’ra need to work together to escape and make it home. Cameron Mitchell appearance pref.
I was sort of close…hope you enjoyed…

action/adventure/, author: stella_pegasi, whump, hurt/comfort, character: john sheppard, character: cameron mitchell, pg-13, fiction

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