Your 2008 All-Star Drinking Game!

Jul 14, 2008 19:29

I've had this idea for awhile, after John and I came up with the Titanic Drinking Game, and Tinay and I kicked around a loose foundation for an Indians Drinking Game last season. Because really, if you're gonna watch the All-Star Game, you should probably have some alcohol ready. This one was almost too easy to come up with. Without further ado:

The words "historic Yankee Stadium," "House That Ruth Built," or "last All-Star Game at [historic] Yankee Stadium" are uttered: drink.

A shot of A-Rod and Jeter together: drink.

Mention of the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry: drink.

Any mention or sight of the following: Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Reggie Jackson, Babe Ruth: drink.

Any Kansas City Royal, Baltimore Oriole, or Washington National takes the field: two drinks.

Mention of Eva Longoria in the same sentence as Evan Longoria: two drinks.

Joe Torre (mention, photo): two drinks.

Joe Torre (sighting): finish your drink.

Barry Bonds: chug.

And for the Home-Run Derby tonight, check out this drinking game, courtesy of Home Run Derby (the blog, not the State Farm sponsored pointless exhibition.)
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