How does he do it?

Dec 18, 2009 17:00

How is it that whenever my father tells me off for something, he always makes me feel lower than dirt? Like I'm a piece of shit that doesn't even deserve the honor of sticking to his oh-so-perfect self? Like if he had a choice, he would exchange me for someone else? Why is it that even when I prepare a speech in my head before I talk to him about anything, more preparation than I make for almost anything else, that as soon as he opens his mouth for the first time it all goes flying out the window? Why is it that once he gets an idea in his head, he wont let it go, and will argue with you until you admit that he's right, and will barely let you get a word of defence in edgewise? Why does he say 'You know better, why do you do this, it has to stop, you have to stop reading that... Harry Potter fanfiction or that... maengah... Your homework MUST GET DONE! Do you promise to do ALL your homework for the rest of the year? No, actually say yes, don't mumble. Now when you go back to school tomorrow I want you to go to your teachers and get every assignment that you missed and do it all over the christmas break, I don't care if it will still count or not.' instead of saying 'do you have anything to say for yourself?' or 'Why do things like this happen?' or 'Is there anything you can do to get better grades?' ? Why does he just assume that he knows everything, and can only be convinced otherwise when you have 150% proof pointing the other way? Why is it that now, over an hour since our little talk on our way to Masco, so that I could get some MAKEUP WORK that I forgot at school, can I still not seem to stop crying so hard I can barely see the keyboard? Why wouldn't he give me the chance to explain things like a rational adult, and tell him that the binder I was going back for was for a class that I didn't have any homework in, and that I was getting it for the sole purpose of doing some makeup work over the weekend. Why is it that he say's that he can't treat me like an adult because I don't act like one even though he never gives me the chance to? Why is it so hard for him to let me present my case?

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