
Feb 20, 2008 23:44

I honored my mother and father this evening. Not my birth parents, my celestial ones. Three shooting stars later I come to you to say what has been gifted to me.

The moon is full and according to the Charge, we as Pagans/Witches/Wiccans/Children of the divine we should honor the Mother.

My ritual was planned large, with 2 others, my sisters in the craft I have worked with for almost five years. Once again plans fell through, and I was touched by the gods for that reason.

Even as a solitary I made large plans, elaborate rituals. This was to be the full moon of all full moons this year, THE Esbat, full of symbols and meanings.

It is, but the Gods choose the words, symbols, and meanings.

First it was the watching of the Moon with family, as I had never seen an eclipse in my life. Yes they have occurred, and according to legends there was on the night of my birth. But I have never watched one start. I did this evening and it may have changed my life. Only time can tell me. :)

So after having intense family time I was left alone, time for my ritual. Things were gathered, some put back and new things gathered. I marched out in the cold in slippers (With crescent moons) and my pj pants with a short sleeve shirt. I left the celestial robe because of a near fire earlier in the evening. A noise caught my attention away from what I was doing and I saw a deer, couldn’t see if it was a doe or a buck, but a deer. Above it was a HUGE shooting star, never seen one that big before, only small dots in the night sky.

After that I enacted the ritual I had never planed, nor ever thought of. I am to share it with you, I feel the urge.

But the feeling I get now is refreshing, just like my first ritual.


So here is the ritual I did, remember, you still have tomorrow night to catch the Esbat energy, but not the eclipse energy.

Stella Moon Ritual (Stella Rituel de lune)

Items required:

*A Bell (or some nose making thing)

*Incense of your choosing

*Bowl of h20 (Water)

*Candle that will sit above water level


“I call out to the Moon Mother/Deity of your choosing!” Light incense. “I have come to honor your call.” Stand arms stretched out to Moon. “As it was written, Once a month when the moon is full, to worship you. I am here Mother to honor you.” Hold bowl of water up to the moon. “I thank you for the past month for the joys and sorrows, for the life and death, and for the beauty and the ugly. Hear my praise.” Put bowl down and ring bell till you feel satisfied, you may also chant. Now place the candle in the bowl and raise it again. Visualize the similarly between the moon in the dark sky and the candle in the water. Now light it and connect with the flame, feel as if you were one with it. “This light matches you, and as above the shinning moon light, now below the sinning light.” Now leave on ground for sun rise. “Thank you mother, blessed be.” IF SAFE leave Bowl and Incense burning and look out the window before you go to bed again for safety, and reflection.

Thanks for reading. Something feels special about this Esbat. I don't know why. Anyway, I am going to go dance in the moon light, then maybe have some food for grounding. Never had this problem.

Blessed Be!

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