1. I have chosen to keep this journal friends-only for a number of reasons that seemed good at the time, which were outlined circa 2004. Please comment to be friended. Really, it's just a formality; I'm actually quite a friendly person!
2. If you do take the plunge and start avidly reading, please be aware that I have a propensity to write my thoughts as they come out of my head, as politically incorrect or open to misinterpretation as they may be. This is my apology here in advance. So please do not take offence at anything I write.
3. I have a feeling I ought to be giving people a warning as to what I write. Here, I generally ramble about my daily misadventures (including romantic ones). I merely provide links to my fan and original fics, which are usually hosted elsewhere. Oh wait! And I am forgetting, I am a fangirl at heart. ♥ I love to squee over beautiful creatures who bewitch my mind by means of words, voice or looks. There shall be eye and brain candy.
4. Yes, I have recently taken up the writing of fan-fiction again (actual fic can be found @
stella_scriptum). Therefore, I would like to give all those fellow writers a very warm salutation, and say that the following few points may interest you (but not anyone else)
- I am happy to read and support both shipping and slashing. If it’s in canon, I’m all for it. If it’s not in canon, providing it doesn’t include bestiality, incest or persons under the age of thirteen, I will generally tolerate it.
- I don’t write as much as I read. But when I do, I dabble in all the types of relationships mentioned above. I’m most comfortable writing about Harry Potter, but I will occasionally pop out a Doctor Who fic, or anything that happens to inspire me on the spur of the moment.
- Original characters? If I’m writing a novel-length fic about a period which isn’t covered by canon, I often take the liberty of creating ancestors et cetera to fill in the gaps. Purists may not agree. Alternate Universes? I love reading them, but I rarely write them, because I have my original-fic/poetry for that outlet of mine.
- Finally. Smut. Something which divides communities. I'm quite tolerant of it, in fact I endorse it if it serves a genuine purpose in the story. I just don't write it, because I'm hopeless at it (read into this what you will, I don't care, I'm not yet thirty, for heaven's sake!).
5. I am rather apathetic about politics. I’m not proud of it, but I just don't like politicians. **shrugs** They all have a habit of adding too much red tape to health systems. I tend to sit on the fence in such matters. You have been warned.
6. I love my music, and you can sometimes find me writing geeky bits and pieces about shows and things which I get myself romantically involved in. (Wicked is my favourite musical? How did you guess that?)
7. Seven is a lovely number. It is the only number with one digit and two syllables. It is also the most magical number! That, and I’m going to be stuck at university for seven years. Oh yeah, and if you're looking for my craft journal, it's @
As a final word, just a reminder that I (in reflection of the degree I chose and the oath that I will one day take) believe in not just tolerance, but acceptance, of people from all walks of life. So, welcome to all of you who have stumbled across this post, and I hope you have a great day.
(And I also hope you don't retch at the political-correctness which I might display here, but I assure you will not exist beyond any friends-locked entry...)
- New Year's Resolutions 2004
Self-explanatory. - New Year's Resolutions 2005
- New Year's Resolutions 2006
- New Year's Resolutions 2007
- New Year's Resolutions 2008
- New Year's Resolutions 2009
- New Year's Resolutions 2010
- New Year's Resolutions 2011
- New Year's Resolutions 2012
- New Year's Resolutions 2013
- Happy 3rd Birthday LJ!
- Happy 5th Birthday, LJ!
- Happy 6th Birthday, LJ!
- Happy 8th Birthday, LJ!
- The Birthday Wishlist 2006
Of course I will love you even more if you could come up with something not on the list! You know how I prize creativity! - The Wishlist 2007
- Things to do before I turn 21
- Things to do before I turn 25
- The Super Summer Plan for 2008/2009
- The Super Summer Plan for 2009/2010
- The Super Summer Plan for 2010/2011
- the girl turns twenty-one