(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 16:54

I hate when things expire. It's amazing how fast weeks go and before you know it, everything is stale. I got out a big garbage bag and threw out everything I thought was expire in my pantry and fridge this afternoon. All I have in my fridge now is water, a Red Bull, margarine and string cheese. I had some canned peaches and pears that I've been lugging around with me since March 2007 that weren't even expired yet, but I threw them out because I was tired of looking at them. That, and they were covered in this mysterious stickiness that takes over pretty much anything I put on my shelf. Part of it is from the juicy banana Chelsea put on her shelf a month ago (yes, I said juicy banana), but some of it is inexplicable. Another reason to leave Evanston: everything I try to chill comes out sticky.

It's definitely time to go grocery shopping tonight, but I don't know what to buy. I only have 49 days left, which isn't as long as it seems (hopefully...) I have no desire to eat anything I can cook (heat up) myself and don't have the funds to eat out all the time. And I keep forgetting I'll be working 9:30 to 5:30 soon and will need to pack a lunch. Definitely need to stock up on peanut butter and jelly!
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