one more day...

Apr 27, 2006 16:07

Well I'm supposed to be working on a CAPP project right now but to tell you the truth I don't really want to. So I'm going to right this post instead! (I know you've all been dieing to read a post...) But while I'm still on the topic of CAPP Josh and I had the best discussion today. My project is on depression and Josh advised me to write a rant about pop punk... and I feel the need to share it with the world! (Both me and Josh are posting it in hopes of reaching the max amount of people.

"People think they're hardcore because they listen to a bunch of people whining about how their girlfriend dumped them and no-one understands how much pain they're going through.... meanwhile starving children in Africa die, and all other teenagers suffer the same fate. And somehow this whiny music style is labeled as hardcore, although all it is is glorified pop.... if you want to be hardcore maybe you should listen to.... oh .... I don't know... HARDCORE. But now you're all telling me Ohhh but I don't like hardcore! WELLL THEN MAYBE YOU'RE NOT HARDCORE!
You'd be more hardcore if you listened to Raffi, at least his songs are written for babies, not by them.....
I win..."

Thank you josh

Life has gotten a little crazy of late. I'm moving tomorrow and as much as the prospect sounds appealing it also scares the shit out of me. I know everything is going to be alright but money is going to be tight, and so many things are going to change! My mom wont be cooking her amazing dinners any more. Gypsy is going to be at Lauras leaving us petless. Once this weekend is done I can give a long sigh of relief.

Plus I still haven't heard back from the museum job which I would really like to know the outcome of.

I'm gonna stop my bitching now and just post... this hasn't been a good day

Hell I think it's safe to say it's been the worst I've seen in a while... I'm sorry...

Daniel out
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