(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 22:10

ok so i havent updated in a loong time cuz im sooo busy and i just never feel like typing alot cuz everyone knows when i write in my journal i write and alot of it!! idk wut i would do if ilost all my fingers on day cuz i would jus never be able to write in my sweet arss journey! lol ummm soo i jus finished 4 exams this week n i only got one more thankfully and then im done and i can do wutever i want and megs here giht now and weve jus been hangin out and we went to a softball game and read cosmo (yus jim jamie and heather that issue i read to u is the one i read to meg tonight!!)(lol good hilarious times) and it was pretty funny i think meg was open to a whole new world tongiht! lol so that was fun then we went outside n played catch n we lost a ball somewhere we dont kno where tho and we had alot of fun and now we are tlakin 2 jim and heather ( im soory darling) and we r bout to go watch be cool and eat some popcorn and stay up alll night cuz we have nothin to do tomorrow ok well im sick of typing soo ttyl till some otha time and kt if u read this call me!!
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