so much to say

May 24, 2005 18:38


JIM- i <3 u~ besdies ur too cool for prez newho and next year ill be ur campaign manager and ull def win cuz well campaign like crrrazy! but good try atleast u made the effort to unlike me who jus didnt feel like runnin!

ok sooo Wahooo im so excited to go camping this weekend ~ no parents ~no problems ~ no "friends" ~no homework ~no classes ~no diffcult weekend plans ~just me, my family, my ipod, a bunk, a pond and 100 acres of woods! o and 8 atvs! you know what that means ray~ dirrt racing!!! yus

ok so friday im sposed to go bowling with get this one ~meg and jim ~heather and ryan ~jamie and adam and ~sydney...... ummm yea after last weekend SIGN ME UP!!! yea right sorry guys i loove all of u but i cant take another expirence like last weekend and with another couple on top of it! so me and meg, heather and jamie made a deal.... lol they find me a date and im there but only if i have a looks like im not going! yus!

ok so im definately addicted to gilmore gurls~ yesturday at volleyball i left 10 min early cuz i wanted to get home before it started and i called my dad and was like yelling at him to hurry so i wouldnt miss gilmore gurls... then last week like my mom kept asking me to do crap while it was on and i kept runnin and doing the stuff during commercials and then i didnt do one fast enough and i fell and slide into the wall... ouch i got a bruise from that one

ok soo speaking of bruises~ the one on my face finally went away! yuss im soo excited cuz i fell like i was dirrty with it! lol but not nemore!!!!

ok sooo my favorite goo goo dolls song is on.... lol im so random!
im not the one who broke you im not the one you should fear the way he got to move you darling i tohught i lost you somewhere but you were never really there at all and i want to get free talk to me i can feel you fallin and i wanted to be all you need but somehow here is gone....

ook so today we had bio review...twice.... janzi... omg what a bore.... penetrante... hilarious but he gives too much work and it gets old.... but the good tinhg is animal club is selling food out by trainas room so atleast we can eat freeze pops while we slowly drift asleep to stuff you just learned and reviwed the day before...

ok so im home along and i just realized i keep saying ok so~ therefore lol wha a big word!, im going to keep saying ok so at the begining of every paragraph! lol im crrrazzy!

ok so i just ate some pasta and almost blew up the microwave in the process cuz idk actually i just did butthe pasta was like blowing up and the micorvwave started to like steam or somthing... lol i dont know....

ok so you know wha the hardest part about everyone tryint to force you into having a boyfriend or getting one is that i dont like anyone and im not just gunna date osmeone i dont like so i guess its dead end right now, but i do kinda have someone in mind and get this ~its NOT jake!!~ quite frankly im over that anyway... so yea and the guy i kinda like is soo nice and soo hott and sooo hilarious but idk how its gunna work since he doesnt go to my school

ok soo omg i was watching gilmore gurls today and like lorali was at roary's dorm suite~ not room - suite~ and she order a TON of food to see whats good in town, how fast they bring it and if the delivery guy is hott (lol thats my kinda idea) and she bought 8 trays of pizza so she invited the whole floor in and she was like o bring pop and snacks and somebody please bring music but if its eveanescence you will be seriously mocked and this gurl was like oohk lol it was soo funny i looove that show and i love how they talk to fast and i can understand them just fine and my mom hates the show cuz she cant understand a word and omg i tinhk its soo grreat and adma brody;s character has a crush on lane and he kissed her on her porch and her mom is a spaz and he had to go down this whole list of tinhgs about him so her mom would let him take lane out and it was hilarious then mrs kim (lanes mom) said some shakespeare qoute and he tohught it was from the bible so he stayed up all night reading the whole freakin bible to figure out what she said and he couldnt and when he came over the next day mrs kim was like wow that takes dicipline and devotion me i have only done it 3 times! i was like yea me i dont even kno how to use a bible!! omg who seriously does that?

ok s in volleyball today i was soo funny cuz the ball came up really far and i was back so i dove and i dove a lil to far and the ball hit me right in the nose and then another time i dove and i rolled right into the pole and i almost walked into it too it was soo funny and andy carll is soo gay but so funy cuz he just mocks me for everythin and i tinhk its funny cuz he tinhks hes such an all star volleyball player and hes soo much better than all of us and even eric lips and i was like yea in ur dreams buddy eric is the best! lol hes funny tho and chrissy think im afraid of andys spikes when she is the one afraid of them but i dont really care if he tries ot hit me cuz ii go for them either way cuz i dont care if i get hit really im not afraid and it wouldnt be the first time...

ok so smallville is on so i have to go but maybe in like a week ill remeber i have this ournal and decide to update it again until then ull jus have to ask me in school, on line or call me.... lol meg i love u more than dmb! yus!
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