Mar 31, 2025 08:58
Well last night I was feeling like you do right on the verge of being REALLY sick. Like where the ache from your jaw extends into your neck, then merges with your headache, then runs down your spine to join up with the aches in the rest of your body, and it feels like swallowing rubs sandpapaer all along your throat. So I decided that I was going to cure myself with insane amounts of sleep, showers, multi-vitamins, OJ, Aspirin, and Techno. So even though I was feeling like I COULD go to school today after more sleep yesterday than I got during my entire Spring Break, there was no way I was gonna allow myself to be sick for Friday. Because friday is the day of days. Friday is the culmination of everythign good in the world manifesting itself in a single man at the TCC at 7pm, April 1st. Brian Reagan. No fucking way am I goign to be sick for the biggest laugh-fest of all time, past, present, and future. If you've heard Brian Regan you know what I'm talkign about. If you haven't take my word for it (and every single person that has heard him, seriously!), he is the funniest man alive.
So sorry for those of you that are just SO beat up and worried over me not being at school today, but it was a necessary, lol