Why not write about the hypocrisy in this. Democratic Senators are supposed to believe that a supreme court justices political mindset won't play into his court decisions while Tom Delay has the Judge removed in his trial b/c they think his political mindset will play into his decisions. Why are right leaning judges able to put politics behind them while left judges can't, and why doesn't the media point this out?
Question OTD? Do you give change to homeless people? I do...Others refuse. Thoughts?
Umbrella covers are worthless and need to be thrown out.
Went to a kick ass party last night for Halloween...I wore my classic drunken bachelorette costume. My best friend from HS is finally back in the NY area after 7 years so he came out and stayed over. Lebron came along w/my sister and her boy. Good times, chilling on a deck overlooking the NYC halloween parade on 6th ave. If you want to see pictures of my halloween escapades, click the link below. My friend stayed out and partied and crashed at my place...woke up and tried to go to the MoMa, but its closed on Tuesdays...hello? Tuesdays? Who can guess that stuff.
We drank these shots called Mad Dogs, which are supposedly the Polish National Drink. Its vodka with raspberry syrup and Tabasco (I just ran spell check and I can't believe there's a "p" in the middle of "raspberry," how would I have known this w/o spell checker). The parts don't mix so its white on top and red on the bottom (like the Polish flag). Yea, I did 5. My boy must have done 8.
http://evite.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=qyoztz.1mw77hyn&x=1&y=28r4qf one more video...posted by Ariel -