RSS Feeds: The Real Dan Lyons and Schneier on Security (What NOT to Read)

Sep 11, 2008 00:00

Originally published at indulgences in purgatory. Please leave any comments there.

It’s been a while since I posted a mini-review of an RSS feed I read, so I thought I should write something.

Since I’m unable to pick one to write a glowing review of, I’ll cover two “tech” blogs by people considered by others to be noteworthy, but that I consider a waste of time.

The Real Dan Lyons (aka The Fake Steve Jobs). About three months ago FSJ went on hiatus and I was saddened. Apparently the man beyond the vitrol filled, valley wagging gossip sheet switched employers and retired his persona of FSJ. He came back last month with a new blog under his own name and I am so disappointed. The snarky comments fit well with the FSJ blog, but under his own name they have continued and are simply off putting. I read FSJ because it was outlandish and fun-a great spoof, but now reading virtually the same thing from a “real” writer makes me cringe.

The second site I tried to read but gave up on is Schneier on Security.  All it contains are repostings of news I have read elsewhere days before he mentions it.  I know he’s considered an expert and he’s not a terrible person (although when I had dinner with him a few years ago I did catch him checking out my bumm,) but his site and his noteworthiness are fading.

I feel very catty now, but I want to be either entertained or informed by the RSS feeds I read.


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