High School...

Dec 02, 2004 22:34

today was the Articulation Fair thing at the school and i went only to find out info about Robert Morgan. i actually got to meet like the student services councelor and this lady that looks at the applications and helps to decide who make it in and i think i made a good first impression! and of course i had keith there saying all the good things about me and stuff and just going on about me and my good grades. all i needed to do was just smile and laugh when needed. it was great lol and it really helped that keith is friends with the student services councelor guy and he talked to him and the guys said "i am going to put keiths by your name so i can remember" or something like that. i was like YAY!! and i think next thursday i am going in the morning to robert morgan to have a tour and keith said he wanted to come with me. i dont know if he was joking or not but he told ms. johnson when i was right next to him that he was gonna take time off next week! i hope he comes with us [ me and my mom ] and when i told the lady that i was in biology this year she like was totally impressed. i was like ok... yea cool lol and then when she found out that i have been a office aid for 3 years she was like "ooh for real ? i need some good aids" so i guess i have a pretty good shot. my mom says she thinks i'll make it in no prob but i dont know. i dont want to get my hopes up too much cause if i get rejected. =/ but i wont find out if i'm in until the 1st week of august! ahh i cant wait that long!! lol i want to go real bad to robert morgan but i also want to go to south west cause a lot of my friends are going there and cause of my cousins and stuff =/ well if i dont make it then i wont have to choose lol but i really do want to make it cause it looks good!
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