so much

Aug 31, 2006 20:39

working hard ... so little time for working hard ...

boss comes in and lets "us" know we are going to have weekly "quizzes" ...

he wants to send "someone" to training next year and provide "official certification" in pedothics ...

doesn't matter that "the other guy" is still working on HIS bachelor's degree ... and in a field totally irrelvant to pedorthics ... or who has any INTEREST in pursuing pedorthics ....

OR the fact that I am the only one working 40+ hours a week .... because the "other guy" is still in school -- and still doesn't know what an alarm clock is ... and sometimes "gets sick" and can't bother coming to work ....

but he wants it to be "equal" .... FAIR, ya know ....

WHO is working on Labor Day?

um ... ME ... not the other guy .... just me .... NOT the guy who has the day off from classes and sees it as a day to SLEEP IN .... and have sex with is girlfriend 12,095 times that day .... because LABOR is all about working in the first place ....

and WHO is covering the hours ALONE while the other guy is taking his Philosophy classes? .... and his other crappy-ass classes to push him toward his degree? ....

um ... me again ...

but I get to "compete" against the "other guy" ..... and WHY?

because I'm a fuckin' ass-wipe and maybe there might be someone better than me in some far off cosmos of the universe and we might be better to hold out all hope that SOMEONE might score better than the ass-wipe in some arbitrary "QUIZ" and perhaps -- even more -- we might convince him that his lifelong goal of teaching Philosophy as professor in the college setting could come second to working in a pedorthic shoe store for barely above minimum wage???????? I'm STILL below poverty wage here, people!

I have a bachelor's degree!! I worked HARD for it ... and I got it .. and now? AND NOW??? I'm holding down a retail store ... for what? So I can spoon-feed two dudes who have more GRAND GOALS for themselves than pedorthics? So they can cut me loose as soon as they don't need me anymore?

when will the kicks to the head start feeling like kisses? Because I'm really needing a kiss to the head right now ..........

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