Well yesterday I saw a movie…it was such a unique movie that I shall add it to my movie review…My review of the suckiest movie of this month. And the winner is Bum BUM BUBUBM…. The Grudge! *clap clap clap.
Not only could I not follow who was killing who and why, but it kept going to flashbacks, and I’m sitting there thinking, wait isn’t that guy dead?…10 minutes later..oh it’s a flashback…well now that it took me that long to figure that out I need to go back now and see what I missed. And really, if you knew for a fact that the house was hunted and when in with every intention to blow that house to the ground, why would you pause when you hear something crying only to see that a boy you know to be dead has his head stuck in a tub. I sorry but your just asking for it there. And another thing, sense when do ghosts loses hair?