I went to the most awesome concert last night!
www.interculturaljourneys.org It was R. Carlos Nakai, a Native American flutist, joined by Udi Bar-David a cellist and Wu Man, a pipa vurtoso. Oh my goodness. The flute music was so peaceful. The cello was haunting. The pipa (a chinese banjo - I know of no other way to describe it, though the program says it's a type of lute) was intriguing. I loved watching their faces while playing and their joy in the music. Udi and Wu Man were especially captivating to watch. They enjoyed it so!
One of my two favorite parts of the concert were when a violinist joined them and they played Amazing Grace. Each of the instrumentalists took the lead on one verse with the other instruments supporting them. The pipa doesn't draw notes out, so it was tinkly with a melodic undertone. I'm not musical enough to describe it correctly. I don't have the language, but it was one of the most beautiful versions of that song that I've ever heard.
The other part was at the end when they were improvising jazz riffs. I mean, how cool is it to hear a Chinese lute and a Native American flute performing jazz riffs? It was an experience that I will always remember. I just wish the kids hadn't been too tired for us to stick around and meet the artists.
Okay, so I'm sitting here at work writing this, listening to a cd that I purchased last night of R. Carlos Nakai's flute music and one of my more outrageous co-workers pipes up with the comment that it sounds like porn music. So, I can say, "No, it really isn't porn slappin' music." and be correct, but then everyone I work with will know that I watch porn. I think I'll just let the comment pass.