Jan 10, 2005 11:56
today when i was driving to school, i was thinking about why i'm here.
i don't even know if i want to be a Mass Comm major anymore, and so basically i'm just going to waste money and rack up student loans that i'm going to be paying off till i'm 80 or dead, whichever comes first. probably death, judging by i just hacked up the most gnarly piece of lung while i was walking to the library.
school is no fun today. my first hour was Art Appreciation. First of all, it's in Founders, which is kinda attached to Alumni, so it's easy to get them confused if you're as idiotic as me. Well, i did, and ended up in Accounting something and sat there until i realized i was in Accounting. I am stupid. So when i finally make it to Art, the teacher is one of those "better than you art critic's" and i was really not digging that. When i told him my opinion on the Mona Lisa (we were watching slides), he told me that i needed to rethink that, and get more education on that subject before i opened my mouth again.
ok...douche bag. pretty shure i took Art since i came out of the womb, and yes, it is a rumor or myth, whatever, that Mona Lisa is a self portrait of Leo himself. asswipe.
The hour after that, i had Public Speaking. Well, ok. I only took that class because all the other classes were picked over, and it was the only one left that didn't look hard, and i was NOT about to take Stat over again this semester. The teacher looks like she was on her way to the mall with "like, her girlfriends, and they totally spotted this hot babe...omg!" fuck her. She made us all get in a circle, and like talk about ourselves. I told her that i worked almost every waking hour of my life, that i was exhausted because i had an 8 o'clock that went south, and that i like to crochet.
when making her closing statements, she proceeds to say, while keeping her "like, totally" eyes on me, "like, ok. Whenever we do speeches in this class, like i'd totally appreciate they weren't about drugs or underage drinking, cuz that's totally uncool."
hmm...ok. i guess i do look like a druggie today. that stupid fuckshit. GAWD!
after that i had Geography. I found that i had that with Mary Parker, so it was alright. We had to draw pictures of what we thought a geographer looked like, so i drew some guy that look like the guy from Wild Thornberries, complete with aussie accent. The lady bored us with facts about how she went to Zimbabwae or whatever, and i kinda fell asleep, but not deep enough to where i wasn't ready to spring to my feet when i saw the clock turn 10:49. PA-POW!
after that, i went on to go to Intro to Geology and was pleasantly greeted by my teacher who talks like he is straight out of the jungle. no shit, like Africa. So i can't understand a word this dood says....once again, sleep ensued. I think i have that class with Ryan Bogeymeyer, cuz i thought i saw his little mop trounce in. Although, it could've been me hallucinating from lack of sleep and consciousness. Also, in that class was some lady who was signing cuz we have deaf people in our class. Watching her, the few minutes i was up, was a ball. She would stick her tounge out and everything whilst she signed. haha.
ok, now i'm going to hell.
So now i'm on a break till 1:30. staying here so long sucks. i'm used to going home at like 10. I want to go to bed. i want to eat something. i want to NOT BE HERE! Although, on the bright side of things, i saw Jordan while walking. HOT! oh yes. we talked about like, throwing stuff at my teacher, but then i pretended like i was in a hurry because i was getting nervous and getting the urge to jump his bones right there in the quad.
i should've. fuck.
I think i might go down to the UC and hang out there and hope to run into like Adam Harris, or some other hot traveler.
and this time, bones will be jumped.