Jun 21, 2006 02:40
The problem is how do I sum up 9 months without writing a small novel? The first thing, and most important, is that Jenny and I are engaged. That happened Memorial Day weekend. we were sitting on the couch in her living room when I asked her before we went to dinner. If I didn't call to tell you in person, I'm sorry. In a week and a half or so, I'll put some pictures up on myspace of the ring. For those of you who can't wait, it's three stones, and platinum. I can't do it sooner because the other news is that I'm going to Europe tomorrow with my family. It could be a really fun trip, but it also has the potential of being a disaster if people get cranky, and can't agree on what to do. But it will be fun to go and try some new beers, and good wine. Thursday through Tuesday we are in London, and then we go to Paris. My brother and I only get to stay there for about 48 hours, unfortunately, and then have to come home. My parents and sister are staying there for another few days to go see Melly. Anyway, Jenny and I are looking to have the wedding in march or April of next year. As things develop, we'll keep you posted, either here, or in person.
Strangely, I'm still working at Loders Croklaan testing oil. I had a brief three months where I was starting to train for a new job, but then a temp that we had left because she got a better job, so I was thrown back to afternoons. So for the entire time that I've worked afternoons, I've worked with this girl Allison. At first she worked pretty hard, but after I started training for the new job, she started to get somewhat unreliable. Once she even called in asking for a personal day because she had been out partying all night, and hadn't gone to bed yet. She actually told this to my boss. And in addition to this, she is often late getting to work, and she complains a lot, and has often called in sick, basically pissing off everyone there. So Monday, I heard from another person at work that if she calls in sick again while I'm on vacation, that she's gone. And while I don't really want to see someone fired that I've worked with for a year and a half, she's just been a pain in the ass, and recently more trouble then she is worth having. Anyway, my flight for London leaves in 16 hours, so I need to go and finish packing. If any of you read this before 3PM on Wednesday, and have any opinions about where to go in London or Paris, let me know. Afterward, I'm not sure when I'll be able to see your suggestions.