Feb 11, 2005 02:44
I'd like to start this by mentioning what a fool Donald Trump is. There is an asticle on today's (well, now yesterday's) Trib about how the mayor wanted a spire on top of Trump's new building here, and trump didn't want one. They even had a big argument in the mayor's office about it, and who do you think won? I mean seriously. This is CHICAGO we are talking about here. Mayor Daley may only be the mayor of the third largest city in America, but within the city limits, he rules like a king. This is the guy who buldozed an entire airport so he wouldn't have planes flying overhead, and so there would be a park there. So now there will be a spire atop the Trump tower, for the mayor's skyline. I am ammused. In other news, one of my very oldest friends, Dieter is engaged. He's only been with his fiancee for 5 years now. I guess they didn't want to rush into things. And since he is in Texas, there are now people everywhere except for the East coast that that want me to come and visit them. If I only had the time and money. I also saw the neighborhood owl tonight. It was in a tree in my neighbor's yard, and it took off as I was walking back from the mailbox. It was really neat. Jenny has also been over here the last couple of nights. Last night I didn't expect her to be here at all, but she stayed around after she fed my crazy dog, which she did again tonight. It was great to be able to see her after work. And she made food over here for me took, which was amazing. And even though I don't need to be at work for almost 12 hours, the dog will be waking me up early, so it's off to bed for me.
goodnight all