Jan 09, 2009 02:04
It's been long enough since I've done any hand-sewing, or even any serious knitting, (bad Stefka, no biscuit) that I've lost my finger calluses. I usually guide the needle, where it passes underneath the fabric, with either the index or middle finger of the left hand, alternating as suits my whim. The sudden onset of sewing an entire dress by hand in two days meant that last night, I went to bed with ouchie fingers, and I was going to have to do SOMETHING today, or I'd be bleeding on the material, since the new calluses would not yet have had time to firm up. And so, after I made quesadillas, I turned to my beloved, wistfully wishing we had archery gloves in the house. "We do!" quoth he, and promptly produced one.
Which I, just as promptly, slipped onto my left hand and used for a purpose not originally intended by its creator. Which enabled me to do the last side seam, the top and bottom hems (the bottom hem went on forever, which makes sense as it's gored), and assemble the first strap. Tomorrow, during the demo, I sew together the other strap and mount 'em on the dress, and I'm done. An entire apron dress, sewn by hand, in an estimated 9-10 hours over the course of three days (but less, in hours, than 48) that also included two shifts of work, travel, sleep and suchlike considerations.
This thing is gonna be gaudy as hell. But that's appropriate, for Norse. I just hope it looks as good as I envision it. Bonus points if I also manage the Dublin cap.