Roses and the rain

May 30, 2006 22:04

And so another Memorial Day weekend -- and another War of the Roses -- disappears into history.

I go INTO Roses, each year, expecting dramatic weather and dramatic occurrences. They always happen, and so I am never surprised. The worst of the weather was over by Friday night, though it did leave us with a mudpit at one end of the tent, and three very muddy dogs. No more rain until Monday morning (It must always rain early Monday morning, just long enough to make us wonder if we'll be packing wet canvas), but enough sun to give us some good sunburns. My best beloved is especially red.

We had lots of first-timers with us, this Roses. I enjoyed having them all along, and I think they all had a good time, too. I hope you all come back and play again! We'll help you figure out garb and stuff.

We got most of the drama of various sorts out of the way on Saturday. Some good, some bad. I look forward to watching and taking part in the future of Clan. I was pleased that Alasdair's last official act was to Campbell-ify two people who really deserved it. The two members of our camp who got rides in the pretty buses with the flashy lights worried me, but both have recovered, and I'm glad about that. Plenty has been said elsewhere; I shan't repeat. Tim/Donal turned up on his way back to Chicago, and was so gracious as to stay overnight so he'd be here for O'Riein court, even though it then meant a 900(?)-mile one-day motorcycle ride back, afterward.

Sunday was nice again, though that was when I remembered that I had not entered my hazelnut liqueur in the brewing competition ... on Saturday. So I need to either save what remains for yet another year, or start another batch. Fortunately, a certain Very Nice Lady I know sent me some more jars, so I can do a big batch. And I now have three varieties of MINT to grow, and to harvest. I may have to do two gallons of that one, to keep up with demand and also have some left over to age.

At O'Riein court, several things of note happened. The questing that is Clan Campbell/O'Riein Standing Procedure for alcohol-induced camp-puking was meted out. A certain little man on his very first camping event got his first SCA name -- Charles ap Brochfael -- and did marvelously well, camping. And a good two years after we first discussed the idea of adopting Kris, she did us the kindness of letting us do so.

Sunday evening ended with my favorite part of Roses of all -- campfire bardic. Lots of good things, from comic to serious, stories, songs, and atrocious puns, still going strong when I finally fell asleep.

Breakdown on Sunday was unusually lengthy. I chalk it up to the action-packed weekend.

We wrapped it up, went home, SHOWERED, and then met with Seth and Marlene for the new X-men movie. It was quite enjoyable, though I was still certainly able to spot flaws. Good enough, certainly, than I'm looking forward to Wolverine next year.

As for the rain ... This evening, we had a very dramatic thunderstorm. The rain came down so hard and fast, there was standing water all over the yard, and running rivers down the road. There was only one thing I could do. I pulled off my shoes and my compression stockings, ran out to the street and splashed! Across the street, where there's a higher curb, the water was halfway up my calves. I even lured my best beloved out there, briefly. It was divine. I had to wring out my clothes and my hair before I could go back in the house. I hope I never outgrow raindancing. That's something I want to teach my children (no, not yet).

cordials, camping, sca

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