2006 er 2007 eh

Jan 03, 2007 01:04

Well, some trailer for a movie the SU is showing in feb is loading super slow and so I I guess I have time to do this survey while I'm waiting. ooooh.

1) Where did you ring in 2006?
Sitting in a quiet-ish corner of Brewster's in Calgary with Marinus sipping on cocktails and splurging on mushroom caps. Although the pub was casual, we were decked out in our best clothes because we had just ducked out of my cousin's extravagent wedding. It was very nice. Also spent a lot of time driving and getting lost in cowtown for fun.

2.) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Still dating Marinus, although right now I can't remember what we did. Probably ate chocolate, because that's what we do. I think he had to work at the stuupid Lodge.

3.) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Yes indeed. Finished my second year of my undergrad in psych and sociology, received my first dent in my (until then, perfect) GPA, and completely my first semester of the third year. 3rd year seems to drag and drag so I find this to be quite the accomplishment.

4.) How did you earn your keep?
Slaving at the Lodge, getting not enough to clean bathrooms all summer at the Tourist Association, slaving at the Lodge again, and finally landing my research job in December.

5.) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Hmm...yes, I think I drove Krista to a blood test one day when she was feeling not so good. Other then that, nopers, however I did have some friends go through surgeries.

6.) Did you encounter the police?
No! No speeding tickets for me this year

7.) Where did you go on vacation?
Well, as a result of the tourism job, I became a "tourist in my own backyard" (a former slogan of theirs) and visited Waterton, Banff, Crowsnest Pass, Bar U Ranch, Cardston, etc etc. I also went to Canmore with the Swanepoels for KaNazie (an Afrikaans festival) and to Saskatoon to visit Bruce and Shelly and become their son Cooper's godmother during his baptism. I visited Edmonton and saw my friend Kathryn and she showed us all the attractions, including the bars of Whyte ave. And we've made quite a few trips to Calgary for shopping etc.

8.) What did you purchase that was over $500?
TUITION!!!!! TEXTBOOKS!!!! umm my contacts and glasses but they were reimbursed (sp?) by the government. Oh and my car repair almost came to $500, ugh.

9.) Did you know anybody who got married?
hrm... no not really but lots of people engaged.

10.) You know anybody who passed away?
I bet my mom does, she's always talking about people dying. Umm..no, no funeral this year.

11.) Have you run into anybody you graduated high school with?
Well let me tell you! Yes! lol but that's usually just because half the people I went to high school with also go to the same university as me because it's in the same city. Even so, I went out on Dec 30 and saw more people from high school than I have in the last 3 years put together. Lethbridge is weird that way, everyone comes back.

12.) Did you move anywhere?
Nah, still mooching off the parentals. Free food, shelter, car insurance, internet, utilities....

13.) What sporting events did you go to?
Marinus and I hit up a Bulls baseball game during the summer and it was great, no one can argue that the Spits (TM) and beer thing is overrated. Otherwise, I watch random sports on CBC when there's nothing else on.

14.) What concerts did you go to?
Metric in Calgary - awesome, Corb Lund Band in Leth - also awesome although at the roadie. Our Lady Peace in Leth. Looking forward to the Tragically Hip on the 17th!

15.) Are you registered to vote?

16.) If so, did you do your patriotic duty on Nov. 7?
I can't remember, is this an American question? I voted when it was time, NDP all the way. Orange is such a happy colour.

17.) Where do you live now?
See the question about moving.

18.) Describe your birthday.
I called up most of the acquaintences and friends in my cell phone contacts list and invited everyone to Corner Pocket (that location because a) it's big, it can hold us all b) it's quiet enough to hold a convo c) pool d) not overpriced e) not crowded until we all got there) and so we packed the place and drank beer and did shots all night. Nothing went bad until someone had the bright idea to go to the Blarney where we learned it was 2-steppin Friday and UGH. But all in all it was a good time had by all with some pretty funny pics.

19.) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2006?
Learn all of Southern Alberta's attractions. Become an aunt. Land a good job. Become an executive member of the Rotaract club :s Buy a hookah. Loose weight without trying. Read a whole coursepack :)

20.) What is one thing you regretted this year?
Not dropping a soc class when it sucked: The Family, ewwww.

21.) What's something you learned about yourself?
I can change, I'm not entirely set in my ways. I am always improving and people who love me unconditionally really really do!

22.) Any new additions to your family?
Cooper J. Duguay (Bruce's kid, not mine)

23.) What was your best month?

24.) What from pop culture will you remember 2006 by?
Well... Fergalicious I guess, since it's so repulsive.

25.) How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (shitty) to 10
(excellent)? 6.5 maybe 7
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