I hate that I have to do this...

Mar 12, 2007 12:22

So Jenn read my last post. Which I knew she would. I wanted her to. She brought up a time where I didn't perform my duties as "best friend".

Maybe I didn't.

But at least it would only be fair enough to me that both sides of the story are exposed because she is gonna tell the part where I wasn't there for her...nothing else.

When I was dating Joel, I wasn't living or going to school in Sacramento yet. I was going to school and working in Modesto.

Jenn didn't have her son so I figured since I was already going up to Sacto to go dancing with Erika and some of her friends that I would invite Jenn too.

She gladly came along.

I got a couple of energy drinks for us in our traditional fashion we made the drive up to Sacramento.

We get up to Sacto to visit Joel at the club he was working at and we we went dancing and for drinks.

All of us were dancing, having a great time.

Afterwards we all went to eat at Ink, the restaurant I used to work at that is open until 4am on weekends.

Joel came and met us all there.

Erika and her friends got there first and got us a table. By this time I was starving since I hadn't eaten all day, neither had Jenn.

Jenn and I get there, I get out of the truck and she stayed in.

She said she felt nauseated.

I suggested that since she drank on an empty stomach she should come in and get some food or drink some water. I even offered to buy her food.

My friends were already inside, I had told them what I wanted on the phone on the drive over. My food was coming and my friends were waiting.

Jenn insisted on staying in the car.


I let her stay in the car and told her to come in when she felt ready. She said ok.

She texts me telling me its cold outside and she wanted to leave and I told her to come inside where its warm and drink some water. She refused.

We get our food and start eating and she texts me that she threw up. That she thinks the energy drink made her sick.

I told her that we were waiting for the bill and I'd be right out. I only had my card otherwise I would have been. It was PACKED in there and there's no way I could have hunted down our server. It took a while to get the bill and it took a while for them to bring it back. All the while she starts sending me nasty text messages and telling me how "fucked up" I am. That I'm ditching her for Joel and blah blah blah. Which was NOT true. It wasn't just Joel there, it was Erika and a few of her friends and me.

Maybe I didn't go that "extra mile" and go out there and hold her hair back and the full 9. But I did go take her a water bottle.

Should I feel guilty for that?

I don't really feel like I should.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad at all.

I really feel like this is a crappy example of me being a "bad friend"

I assure you this is the last you will about her.

The time before that my friend Andrea from Germany was down and she drank too much and got sick. I pulled over a good 4 or 5 times for her. She was puking pretty hardcore each time and heaving the whole way. She felt bad and she felt like she was holding us back and kept apologizing for getting sick. She had no reason to feel bad about it and I wasn't mad. I treated this situation just the same.

I'm sorry, if you drink and get sick I'll make sure you are ok, but I won't feel the same kind of sympathy for you as if you had the stomach flu.
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