LJ Feedback

Apr 28, 2008 10:57

So it's come to my attention that I really need a feedback section for this journal.
Damn all you DIYers offering your awesome creations to take my money!
But alas, I've caved in to buying cheap DIY stuff from LJers and so in order to make sure they feel safe about selling me stuff, I'll keep this feedback section from past transactions.

Negative: (0)
Neutral: (0)
Positive: (2)

Please list "Negative" or "Positive" on the subject of your comment and then comment away about whether I screwed you over or made your rich (lawlz no more coffee in the morning).

I don't have much feedback on LJ so I'll post my eBay and etsy feedback links. Note that I'm posting 2 eBay accounts that belong to both my bfs & myself but I'm the one that does all the financial shizbit around here so it's mostly me on both accounts. :)

My Etsy Feedback
venom1334 eBay feedback
2nd eBay account

Thanks again! :)
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