Mar 26, 2006 19:10
Favorite color:pink&green
Favorite food:Rice or anything with cheeeeese
Favorite song: as of now...prob.hopesfall-the bending, but theres so many.
Favorite movie:Garden State
Favorite sport:tackle football( i hate watching it though& i hate guys who play football,but i like playingit)
Favorite season:summer
Favorite day of the week:friday
Favorite ice cream flavor:cookie dough
Favorite time of day:just when the sun starts to go down
9 currents:
Current mood:content,excited,loved
Current taste:rice
Current clothes:camo tank, khacki caprees
Current desktop picture:sunrise
Current toenail color:regular, i'm painting them later though =]
Current surroundings:door opening, parents talking, italian accents on tv
Current annoyance:food stuck in braces, hair, homework
Current thought:BOYFRIEND<3
8 firsts:
First best friend:Stephanie Deleon obviously
First kiss:Mike A.
First screen name:i think it was like.. pumbas1999, something gay like that.
First pet:Daisy cat,the beeeeetch.
First piercing:ears
First crush:mikey boccia
First music:spice girls!
First car:never had one
7 lasts:
Last drink:root beer
Last car ride:mom drove me to work
Last kiss:CH on friday<3<3
Last phone call:Stefy
Last CD played:Chiodos
6 have you ever:
Have you ever dated one of your best friends?nope
Have you ever broken the law?yup
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Have you ever skinny dipped?nope
Have you ever been on TV?nope
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know?yup
5 things:
5 things you're wearing:camo,really good vsecret bra,3 things, khacki capris, hair tie
5 things you've done today:work,walked home with steph, smoked,talked to bf, computer
5 things you can hear right now:chiodos, movie,scratching my neck,keys on board, dad eating
5 Things you do when you're bored:clean,smoke,text,draw,computer
5 places you've been to:Florida,Italy,Jersey,DisneyWorld,shows
3 people you can tell anything to:Steph,Katy,Chris
2 choices:
1. Black or White:both
2. Hot or Cold:HOT
1 wish:to marry someone i truley love.