May 09, 2005 21:47
So I just got back from the movies (actually about 40 or so minutes ago) to see Crash with Ethan. It was really really good. I loved it actually. It was super heavy though so don't go unless you're okay with tearing up. But I'd give it an A.
So speaking of Ethan.... I think I may stop talking about how I miss him. It hasn't really done any good except for a drunken message that should just be forgotten. So yes I miss Ethan. Yes I hate not being with him. But I'm soooo glad that we are staying true to the friends thing. We've actually hung out almost every day since we broke up. I like that. He's my best friend. And I'm glad that we can talk about how we're feeling without being weird.
So aside from that.... A Midsummer Night's Dream opens Wednesday so all of you should come. It's 10 for adults. 7 for students without ASB, 5 with. It starts at 7. ALL OF YOU SHOULD COME! (if you're not in it that is)
Ok that's my story and I'm sticking to it.