i was tagged!

May 14, 2005 19:09

this is entirely umrguy42's fault. he said i had to.


1. Total number of films I own on DVD/video:

i... don't really know? under 100, probably under 50. i'm more likely to go with the flow of whatever is on tnt, tbs, spike or fmc. which means i watch fifth element and jaws a lot, and, happily, that i'm watching PCU at the moment.

well, if you include the entire "firefly" series, the seasons of "stargate sg-1" and the like... then it's probably closer to 100. *grin*

("it's like... if you're nice to them, they'll bring you stuff?" heh. one of my all-time favorite lines in a movie EVER. hehehehehe.)

2. The last film I bought:

sneakers and army of darkness, in the bargain bin at wally world. blasphemy! but also under six bucks, so what the hell. besides, i now get to mark AoD off of "movies that i'm embarrassed not to own".

this weekend, a dig through the bins looking for blazing saddles. meet me, i'll supply pizza. c'mon! it'll be fun! we can use these!

3. The last film I watched:

if i assume this means in the theatre, the answer is the hitchhiker's guide. otherwise, it means blade trinity unless you count tv, and then... well, i mentioned i'm watching pcu right now.

4. 5 films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:

er. not in order of anything, really. (mean a lot?)

serendipity, the only romantic comedy i'm really willing to watch more than once.

highlander for obscure reasons of my own.

the hobbit, animated, ideally followed immediately by charlie and the chocolate factory because - um - well, because it just should be. that's how it goes. it's a college-induced pavlovian thing, and counts as one choice.

princess bride... duh. eminently quotable, as is monty python and the holy grail.

the matrix ...again, nearly a "duh" one. *grin*

Tag five people who have to do this meme:

but! i don't even KNOW 5 people, and brinker already took 3 of those! heh.
i'll tag obsidianasigh again because i don't think she did it, yet.
then, apple143,
and finally australian_joe even though i doubt he'll do it. =P

(this is a few days old and was languishing, unfinished, in private limboland because i hadn't finished tagging people yet. oops. *grin*)

movies, meme

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