Aug 13, 2005 23:10
im in a super depressive mood...lets start from the very begining, last night i went to pippin at the regent, had fun, i messed up something i wanted to do cus i was to nervous, or something, i wasnt nervous, but i didnt know how to ask...then when i got home i found out my brother had an OHTER infection...he had had an infection on his knee-cap 2 weeks bfor...this time its on his hand, its like an inch big where ur thumb conects to the rest of ur hand...hes been at camp being a counciler all summer so who knows what happend, i dont wanna say anything cus no one knows whats going on but hes gonna b in the hospital for a little while (more than just tonight)....ive talked to some of u...some of u know more...i dont wanna get a lot of people worried and then have it be nothing but im kinda worried soooo w/e...thanks for everything guys, u are all amaizing also worried for a friend, he's going through a really hard time and its impossible for me to help him (physicly)...i wish i could, hes really cool and hes very tallented, he doesnt deserve whats going on, sooo yah, im now obbsessed w/ pippin music, the show is a little sketchy, but the music is AMAIZING...the show could be even better if it werent for its sketchyness, but it also adds a "secondar" story to the show i guess or something...half the things that ive written about are semi private so if u wanna talk about the private ones, plz im me, only comment about things that u think no one else will care about, thanks a lot again guys...