Being Sick

Jan 12, 2006 11:34

So I stayed home from school today... I'm trying to just have one more day of rest then go back to school on Friday. Oh shoot, I need to email my teachers. *sigh* I'll do that after this. Anyway, I have an upper respiratory viral infection apparently, lol. Usually lasts about 2 weeks, and I've had it for like a week or week and a half, so I should be better soon. I slept from 9:30 last night until 11:00 today... I was just so tired... over 12 hours. Crazy huh? Anyway, I was just sitting here watching movie trailers and I found my eyes starting to well up... silly isn't it? That a movie trailer can make me want to cry. It's interesting though, but it is just the perfect combination of shots from the film and the MUSIC that make me cry... it's just so powerful. Wow, I feel kind of pathetic for writing this. I dunno, it just seems like things mean more now than they used to. I don't know what it is about movies and books, but I relate to every character and feel sympathy toward them for their situations (because movies are all about people being in tough situations and how they get out of that tough situation, whether it be by solving it or dying or whatever) and I put myself in their situation. I make movies mean much more than they actually do... I guess that's why I love them so much, even the stupid ones that Danielle and everyone else thinks are cheesy, lol. ;-)

Welp, I'm off to write emails to my teachers to ask about what I am missing today. Before I go though, I want to say congrats and good luck to everyone for the Little Shop of Horrors auditions. I am very excited to see the outcome! I love you all dearly!

God Bless and Lots of Loves,
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