Apr 22, 2009 17:48
In my last entry I wrote how I wish the good weather would only be on weekends... What do you know?? Last weekend and THIS weekend is full of wonderful weather. Looks like someone was listening to me. :)
The Power of Now is just as good as A New Earth. I love Eckhart Tolle... I definitely want to meet him one day.
I'm starting a Heifer team here at Emerson for next semester. If any of you LJ friends are interested please let me know and I can write your name down on the list so I know how many team members to write in when I register the team online. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Heifer it is a non-profit organization that focuses on alleviating world hunger. They give animals and food to parts of the world that are in need. Because of the recession people haven't been donating as much as they used to to Heifer. For this reason, I decided to team up with Blair Sybert and start raising awareness + getting people involved to raise $50,000 by May of 2010. We can totally do it if we get enough people involved and willing to table, plan events, etc.
I'll be back in Miami in two weeks and I must say that feels really weird to think or even say. It feels like just yesterday I was moving in and exploring Newbury street with Emma... Now I'm moving out and my first year is over? Trippy... I just hope the next three years don't fly by as quickly as this one did!