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Mar 15, 2006 14:51

Thisss march breakk iss goodd. Imm enjoying itt:)YAYYA.
Heress what I did
FRIDAY- like 18 people came over itt was super fun.. :)
SATURDAY- went outt too eatt for heathers birthday:)… wentt outside ended up driving around with renee matty mitch kait cait kyle joce.. quite thee mission!.
Sunday- wentt too the movies:).. forget what I saw.. butt it was super good….
Monday- went to the mall with cait mandy and craig… then latter on that night Kelsey craig cait Erika craig and kyle camee over.. just goofed around and stuff.. I thou it was super fun:) I lovee my friends:)
Tuesday- wentt too caitss:).. watched lovee andd basketball.. talk about a sweet movie .. and my dadd camee home.
Wednesdayy.--- I havee noo idea what too doo tonite.
2 morrow im goin to halifaxxxx:).. bringing kels and Erika:).. should bee fun
In 6 dayss im goin to CUBA.. I cantt waitt..
thee end.
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