Nov 04, 2005 00:49
well today.. is
a fucked up day
worst day sence September 6th,!
i realizedd hooww muchh i actually miss him
and how hard it is to try to move on!
like i try soo hardd butt nothing seems to work.
& i hate howw he walks by me and pretends nothing happened between us.
and like we never meeet b4.
only if hee new how hardd this is,
or onlyy if hee careddd.
or would at least talk to mee on the computer
anything is better then this,.
im goin insane.
like i never actuallyy updated thiss and put my feelings or anything,,
butt likee im goin insane & ive never seen my self soo upset..
i wishh wee could bee atleast friends.
i think i deservee that much
sence i never did anything!
butt its like hee wants to pretend liek i never exsisted or sumthin.
and i dunt get it.
i dunt get how i could be soo upset and he doens't care what happened!
on the other hand.
i miss my other best friend.
i nooo (idiot) somee aree thinking. butt i mean,,
this person has been there for me through some pretty rough times.
even thou, (it) calls me down to the lowest! i still think the world of (it.
goodd i miss howw things use to bee..
why do people change and things change? bc i hatte change!!!!!!
well today i went tooooo schoool homee and then ns fourm.. MHS woonnn like always:).
2 morrow i gott cheerrrleading:(.. meeeee =dead! lol
hahah best of all its at 9 iin the morning... and im too upset to sleepp!
im not sure what else im doin 2 morrow.. hopeefuully something really fun.
i besttt goo
i have nothing else to say
stephaniee still loves russie!
always no
matter wHAT!