Jan 04, 2009 15:27
Hey all.
2009 [ for me ] has arrived with a pretty slack start.
i didn't do anything that thrilling NYE.
went to a family friends place yadda yadda yadda. It was fun, but we do stuff like that with them all the time. they're quite the entertainers.
um.. so yeah, i went because i wasn't invited anywhere else.
no one spoke to me, no one texted me happy new years.
so that really sucked.
apparently im quite the little bitch. [ will explain in a second ] so that would explain a bit rofl.
good thing i have no feelings. this could have been a LOT worse :\
Uh, im ALSO in shit because, not sure if anyone remember, there's this stupid chick who follows our group around the place, annoys the shit out of everyone and can degrade almost anyone in a matter of seconds without realizing, and she has her icky pedo internet boyfriend?
yeah.. none of us had seen her for about two-three months, and now she goes to one of my friends saying "sorry i dont know when i do these things", and when she didn't accept the appology, she went all spastic again. Laying the blame game on me etc etc. Yeah she makes me out to be the biggest bitch.
what a freaking crazy.
on a slightly brighter note, i started making a dress.
but it's not working. why would it? the universe seems to have a keen adoration/possible romance with my sorrow rofl.
besides that.
these holidays i have spent a fortune on dvd hire. it's all i've been doing so far really.
i went to the movies a couple times too. at least i cant say i havent gone out with friends at all these holidays.
so yeah, i've been watching movies all day every day.
oh gosh.
how sad DX
freaking, freaking. i gotta get out of this house sometime.
maybe i'll go to the shops tomorrow. friendless or not.
and i know this is going to sound mega lame, i want to go to the rollerskating rink. not to skate though.
to watch people skate. my figure skating days are long over.
usually i'd watch my friends skate, but i'll probably go by myself and watch randoms skate until i get removed from complaints of me being really weird/creepy.
what a depressing post.