Dec 17, 2008 10:51
I had permission to ditch from my mum this time. Promise XD
Just joking. I don't ditch.
I simply walk home at lunch time when I don't like school anymore (:
But not today because I didn't go at all.
Tell you why?
I'm buying my twilight prom ticket :D [ That was in sing-song voice btw ;D ]
Today I'm going down to the shops to meet some people and someone's mum so she can help me pay for it because I dont know how lol.
I'm so freaking excited. Yesterday there were only 70 tickets left :O
So then, I was thinking I really badly want to see a movie today so I might stay at the shops after I've payed, and watch one by myself. Maybes Twilight. Again. I'm really having mixed feelings about it :\
*Cough* LONER *Cough* XP
So yeah. I'm really into my livejournal again (:
I can just write and write and write about nothing like I am right now (: (:
BTW; If you haven't joined yet, for some strange reason [ wth is wrong with you ]
me thinks you should. Like now-ish XD
Buh-Byee for nows :D
It's almost loner time.
Oh noes!!
I only have 20 cent coins and the movie is 8 dollars !!
The movie people look at me weird when I sit on the floor making eight stacks of one dollar in 10 and 20 cent pieces D:
Loner WEIRDO. Pshh.
Smile today for me will you??
xx all (:
P.S; I'm rather hyper and am lead to believe there is something wrong with me right now XD
DOUBLE PS; I wrote in BOLD today :D