stolen from dan of course :)
>>001. What is your full name: steffi cheong
>>002. Spell your name backwards: gnoehg iffets
>>003. Date of birth: nov 11 1988
>>004. Male or female: female
>>005. Astrological sign: scorpio
>>006. Nicknames: steff steffoo steffinoodle
>>007. places lived: here
>>008. Height: 5'2"?
>>009. Weight: a lot
>>010. Hair color: black
>>011. Eye color: dark brown
>>012. Where were you born: ny
where will you die: i would like to die in my sleep
>>014. Age: 16
>015. Screen names: you should know it
>>016. buddy category: love, biff, whores, assholes, dance, pigeons...ya like?!
>>017. What does your screen name stand for: idk random
>>018. Pets: POOCH<3
>>019. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 16 or 17...oops dont remember
>>020. Piercings: 6 holes
>>021. Tattoo's: nope
>>22. Pant size: 0 or 1
>>23. Shirt size: small...why does it matter if im fat
>>024. Shoe size: 6 1/2?
>>025. Righty or lefty: righty
>>026. Wearing: pjs
>>027. Hearing: this really good band on myspace
>>028. Feeling: tired
>>029. Eating/drinking: water hahah
>>001. Have you ever been in love: kind of
>>002. How many people have you said "I love you" to: idk like everyone lol
>>003. How many people have you been in love with: well i just had obsessions? i dont know 2
>>004. How many people have you kissed: like 100 duh
>>005. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: cheekie
>>006. How many people have you dated: none...too ugly
>>007. What do you look for in a guy/girl: well they cant be
ghetto....if you're ghetto then go away. they have to be funny and
nice...and i hate when guys make fun of other ppl that makes me so
angry. they have to have healthy hair and smell goooooood. and clean
finger nails! hah
>>008. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: hair
>>009. Are you a virgin: at the moment
>>010. Do you have a crush right now: somewhat
>>012. Do you believe in love at first sight: not really
>>013. Do you remember your first love: mike mirabella first grade...sry kid hahah
>>014. Have you ever cheated on someone: no
>>015. Do you believe in soul mates: sure
>>Family Stuff:
>>001. How many siblings do you have: 1
>>002. What are your parents names: stella and philip hahah
>>003. What are your siblings names: sharon
>>004. whats your parents occupations: who cares
>>005. grandparents occupations: once again
>>006. Where are your parents from: singapore...gross
>>007. Is your family close: not really...
>>008. Does your family get together for holidays: no they're kinda on the other side of the world
>>009. Do you have a weird uncle: yea...stupid smoker
>>010. Any medical problems run through your family: nope
>>011. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: nope
>>012. Are you friends with any cousins: yeaaa jeremy and johnny from australia<3 i love them
>>013. Are your parents divorced: no
>>014. Have they ever thought of it: idk
>>015. Do you call anyone aunt/uncle that youre not actually related to: yeppppp
>>016. Do you thing your parents will ever disown you: my dad wishes he could...oh he wishes.
>>017. Did some of your family come to America from another country: yep my parents
>>Music Stuff:
>>001. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: hmm never thought of that
>>002. What's the most embarrasing cd you own: Be Witched...yea they were like british or something lol
>>003. What's the best cd you own: i make them so of course they're all good
>>004. Whose your favorite band: no favorites...i just like a lotttt.
>>005. Do you sing in the shower: not anymore
What was your summer song: pieces of me-ruthless-something corporate,
meglomaniac- incubus (kenzie haha), weird yellowcard songs elizabeth
wouldnt stop playing hahah
>>151. Time: sleeping time
>>152. Color: pink
>>153. Food: food is amazing
>>154. Position: uhh a sleeping position? lol
>>155. Show: one tree, lagunac stephens hott, date my mom, room raiders, yea i dont watch tv a lot
>>156. School subject: none
entertainer: mackenzie fitzgerald
>>158. Animal: puppies
>>159. Outfit: dono
>>160. Radio station: 92.3
>>161. Movie: 16 candles, pretty in pink, center stage, mean girlssss "you go glen coco!!!"
>>162. Pair of shoes: dono my pink ones
>>163. Cartoon: spongebob
>>164. Actor: chads a hott button
>>165. Actress: dont care
>>167. Drink: water
>>168: Soda: sprite
>>169. Holiday: christmas
>>170. Perfume/cologne: ralph, lilu, clinique happy
>>Pizza topping: nothing
>>173. Lunch meat: not fond of that
>>174. Card Game: anything kenzie plays...thats the only person i play cards w/bc shes obsesseddddd
>>175. Video game: dont do that...but San Andreas at elsas is always fun
>>176. Website: eh dono
>>177. Book: dono
>>178. Computer game: text twist hahahh megannn
>>179. Number: 7
>>180. Cereal: cheerios
>>182. Dessert: brownies
>>183. Disney character: all cute
>>184. Clothing store: at the moment i dont know
>>185. Past time: dance express dressing room
>>186. Teacher: mrs stollen
>>187. Childhood toy: uhh dont remember
>>188. Carnival game/ride: rollercoasters sometimes
>>189. Candy bar:butterfinger or snickers
>>190. Magazine: dance spirit
>>191. Salad dressing: ranch
>>192. Place: my bed
>>193. Hot drink: hot cocoa
>>194. Season: spring
>>195. Sport to watch: dance
>>196. Person to talk to online: friends duh
>>Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits:
>>197. What color are your sheets: blue or white...they change
>>198. What color are your bedroom walls: blue
>>199. Do you have posters on your wall: kind of
>>200. If so of what: my friends, bands, stuff my sissy made for me<3
>>202. How many pillows are on your bed: 2
>>203. What do you normally sleep in: tshirt and pj pants
>>204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: the ones lizard gave me :D
>>205. What size bed do you have: full
>>206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: regular
>>207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: nope
>>209. Describe the last nightmare you had: cant tell you
>>210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: sometimes
>>211. How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed: 2
>>212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions: helllllllllllllll yea
>>213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling: no way
>>214. Do you snore: i dont think so
>>215. How about drool: no
>>216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room: yea
>>217. What color is the carpet in your room: cream
>>218. What's under your bed: who knowsssssss
>>This or that:
>>219. loser/wannabe: im not a loser..actually i am to myself not a least im almost positive im not.
>>220. Doughnuts/bagels: bagels
>>221. Day/night: night
>>222. Good witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: wicked witch of the west
>>223. Heaven/hell: heaven
>>224. Make love/have sex: aren't they the same?
>>225. Coffee/tea: neither
>>226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: neither
>>227. Rap/rock: rock
>>228. Britney/Christina: christina
>>229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: swiss
>>230. Real World/Road Rules: real world
>>231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: nsync
>>232. Silver/gold: silver
>>233. Nike/Adidas: adidas
>>234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: taco bell
>>235. Sweet/sour: sweet
>>236. Punk/emo: both
>>237. Hot/cold: cold
>>238. summer/winter: summer
>>239. Spring/fall: spring
>>240. Operas/plays: plays
>>241. Read/watch tv: watch tv
>>242. Cd's/tapes: cds
>>243. Dvd's/vhs: DVDs
>>244. Old/new: both
>>245. Shorts/skirts: both
>>246. Pink/red: pink
>>247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: colored for and white for other stuff
>>248. Meat/vegetables:vegetables
>>249. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
>>250. Commercials/infomercials: info hahah
>>251. Scary movies/comedies: comedies
>>252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: bikinis
>>253. Sandals/tennis shoes: flip flops
>>254. Dogs/cats: dogs
>>255. Unicorns/fairies: fairies
>>256. Water/land: Land
>>257. Sugar/spice: sugar
>>258. Black/white: black
>>259. ribbons/bows: ribbons
>>260. Chicken/beef: chicken
>>261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: white...but rockefeller needs to be colored
>>262. Cars/trucks: cars
>>263. Austin Powers/James Bond: Austin Powers
>>264. Popcorn/pretzels: pretzels
>>265. Rap/Hip/hop: hip hop
>>266. Passionate kiss/peck: cuteeee
>>267. WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: yuckie
>>268. Back rub/foot massage: bothhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>269. Picture frames/photo albums: photo albums.
>>270. Pens/pencils: Pen
>>What Is Your Opinion Of The Following:
>>271. Eminem: funny
>>272. Virgins: have a strong morality
>>273. God: hes there lol
>>274. The Osbournes: fat
>>275. Reality TV: fun but stupid
>>276. J.Lo: chrissys dad works for that ho
>>277. Religion: gets in the way
>>278. Emo music: "cheer up emo kids"
>>279. Valentine's Day: sucks when you dont have a valentine
>>280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: whore
>>281. Homosexuals: dont care
>>282. Abortion: mean
>>283. Inter-racial relationships: whatever you decide
>>284. Murder: is horrible
>>285. Death: is horrible
>>286. Obesity: sucks
>>287. Pre-marital sex: sureee
>>288. Terrorism: get out of here
>>289. Pornography: jaimie hoffman owns that...hahahah good times
>>290. Fortune Tellers: makes lori rigguerio believe them
>>291. Threesomes: yuck
>>292. Prostitution: ahhh mr sexton mr sexton mr done.
>>293. Politics: yuck
>>294. Country music: hahah no.
>>295. George W. Bush: i seriously dont care
>>296. Cloning: scary
>>297. Britney's boobs: are out of control
>>298. Gas prices in America: too high
>>Name Game:
>>What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
>>299. Jack: jackie
>>300. Tiffany: jewelery and my cousin
>>301. Ben: southwood
>>302. Maria: anorexic annoying thing
>>303. Jennifer: neufeld
>>304. Nicole: ruggiero
>>306. Adam: taking back sunday<3
>>309. Arnold: football head
>>310. Tom: bassilo
>>316. Vanessa: carlton
>>317. Michelle: dance
>>318. Kevin: tadmori
>>323. Natalie: basile
>>325. Nick: matthesssssss!!! hahah
>>326. Linda: fitzgerald!!
>>328. Jordan: ugly
>>329. Jamie: winter
>>330. Adrian: spanish class
>>Have You Ever....
>>331. Mooned anyone: no but i have been mooned
>>332. Been on a diet: possibly..
>>333. Been to a foreign country: yeaaa
>>334. Broken a bone: chipped
>>335. Got a cavity: yea
>>336. Swear at a teacher: no
Got in a fight: yea
339. Dated a teacher: noooo
>>340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: just about
>>341. Thought about killing your enemy: no
>>342. Gone skinny dipping: no
>>344. Told a little white lie: yes
>>345. Told a secret you swore not to tell: yes
>>346. Stolen anything: yea
>347 Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: haha yea
>>348 been on the radio: no
>>350. Been in a mosh pit: yup
351. Been to a concert: of course
>>352. loved one of your best friends: not best friend, but friend.
>>353. Loved someone so much it made you cry? actually shut up and leave me alone
>>354. Deceived somebody close to you: i dono
>>355. Broken the law: hope not
>>356. Been to a rodeo: no
>>357. Been on a talk show: no
>>358. Been on a game show: no
>>359. Been on an airplane: yup
>>360. Got to ride on a firetruck:yup
>>361. Came close to dying: felt like it
>>363. Gave someone a piggy back ride: yea
>>364. Terrorized a babysitter: my sis
>>365. Made a mud pie: yeaaa!!! kristas house when we were in like 2nd grade
>>366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yes
>>367. Snuck out of the house at night: CANT are you kidding
>>368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name: nah
>>369. Had an eating disorder: no
>>370. Felt like you didn't belong: yea
>>371. Felt like the 3rd wheel: yea
>>372. Smoked: fuck you smokers
>>373. Done drugs: no thats for ppl that are insecure and want to be like everyone else
>>374. Had information taked down by a cop: they just took my toilet paper...good times :D
>>375. Had your tonsils removed: no but lizard has!
>>376. Gone to camp: YEAAAAAAAA <333
>>377. Won a bet: yes
>>378. Written a love letter: noooo
>>379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: kinda
>>381. Kissed in the rain: i want to so badly
>>382. Slow danced with someone you love: no
>>383. Participated in cyber sex: no gross
>>384. Faked an orgasm: hahaah at fridays w/ chrissy and all them hahahah
>>385. Stolen a kiss: sure
>>386. Asked a friend for relationship advice: yea all the time
>>387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf: nope
>>388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: no
>>389. Gotten a speeding ticket: cant drive
>>391. Had to wear a uniform to work: no
>>392. Won a trophy: yea
>>393. Thrown up in public: yea
>>394. Bowled a perfect game: no
>>395. Failed/got held back: no
>>396. Got perfect attendance in grade school: elementary
>>397. Roasted pumpkin seeds: no
>>398. Taken ballet lessons: STILL DO SO STOP THAT RIGHT NOW LADY
>>Childhood Stuff:
>>401. Did you play with Barbies: who didn’t?
>>402. Did you own Treasure Trolls: yea
>>403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: sometimes
>>404. Did you play Simon Says: yes
>>405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: yes
>>406. Did you wet the bed: yes
>>407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: yes
>>408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them:yea!!
>>409. Were you shy: yepppp
>>410. Were you spoiled: dont think so
>>411. Were you abused: no
>>412. Did you go to the circus: yea
>>413. Did you go to the zoo: yea.
>>414. Were you in a car accident: no
>>415. Did you build snowmen: yes
>>416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee: yea
>>417. Were your older cousins mean to you: nope
>>418. Did you think slinkies were cool: yes i had a collection
>>419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: who knows
>>420. Were you afraid of the dark: yes
>>421. Did you have slumber parties: yes
>>422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas: no
>>423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: no
>>424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: santa