Loyalty (when You really shouldn't) according to Mycroft

Dec 22, 2010 06:59

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: General
Rating: PG
Warnings:None except possible unintentional bad language
Disclaimer:Do not own this show

It was day 3 of the intense negotiations in a hot foreign country which did nothing for Mycroft's temperament and everything for his sweat glands when they mentioned his brother.

"Sherlock".He repeated, sure that in heat induced delirium that he had imagined the name.

"Yes",the chief negotiater gave a wide smile,"he muddled in a case that caused a lot of trouble in our country. We would like to deal with him."
Mycroft was sure he hadn't imagined the emphasis in those words. This caused him no end of discomfort in his stomach area (though it could be his new diet).

"He's my brother." he said,cocking an eyebrow.


Mycroft stood up.

"I say this with the greatest respect, but in no way are you or any of your employees allowed within screaming distance of Sherlock Holmes. Do I make myself clear?" He didn't expect an answer.

Mycroft stared at him and then left the table, with his assistant already tapping at her phone. They were in the elegant waiting room in a moment with servants closing great mahogany doors behind them.

"The great big dunderhead". He grumbled half heartedly. She looked at him, amused, not even asking him who he was talking about. They both knew it could be the only relation who could cock up delicate talks in a foreign territory without ever visiting said country.

"So?" They exchanged looks. He nodded, deciding.

"A text both to Sherlock and John, indicating how much I am displeased with both of them." His assistant tapped on her phone. "No scratch that". She stopped.

Mycroft glared at the Monet painting opposite him. "They will probably be amused by it." He looked at her. "Most of my life has passed as a joke in Sherlock's life and I refuse for today to end like that".

He put his shoulders back and went back in like the world class diplomat he was and not the butt of his baby brother's ridicule.

family, sherlock, mycroft, fanfic

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