taken from
Tony Stark / Iron Man
[X] You like booze
[ ] You are the life of the party
[X] You love gadgets
[ ] You can be rather cocky
[ ] Your favorite color is red or gold
[X] You're good with computers
[X] You use sarcasm a lot
[ ] You love getting attention
[X] You're good at mechanics
[X] You have issues with your parents
Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk
[ ] You're good at science
[X] You can get very aggressive when ticked off
[X] You like to be secluded most of the time
[X] You like wearing baggy clothes
[X] You like to meditate
[ ] You like doing science experiments
[X] You try to avoid getting into fights
[ ] You like wearing purple things
[X] You're clever
[ ] Your favorite color is green
Thor Odinson
[X] You're good with a hammer
[X] You like coffee
[ ] You can eat a truckload of food and still be hungry
[ ] You can be arrogant
[X] You have long hair
[X] You have an interest in astrology
[X] You can get sulky when things don't go your way
[X] You're willing to take a fall for someone else
[ ] You like to dress up as fantasy characters
[X] You don't get on well with your sibling(s)
Steve Rogers / Captain America
[X] You like helping those in need in any way you can
[X] You hate bullies
[ ] You're a great leader
[ ] You're a bit of a do-gooder
[X] One of your favorite color is red, white or blue
[X] You like wearing things with stars on them
[X] You strongly admire the army
[X] You have a good throwing arm
[X] You like war films
[ ] You're good at running
Colonel Nick Fury
[X] You like wearing long coats
[X] You're good at organizing things
[X] You're good at being in the loop
[X] You like guns
[X] You're good at giving information to people
[X] You like giving solutions to peoples problems
[ ] You like eyepatches
[ ] You work best as part of a team
[ ] You like beards
[X] You like wearing black things
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
[X] You like wearing tight clothes
[ ] You can do martial arts
[X] You're intrested in the world of spies
[ ] You have red hair
[ ] You're quite agile
[X] People generally don't know much about the real you
[X] You like to make yourself look good
[ ] You can speak another language
[X] You're good at taking orders
[ ] You were born in a different country to the one you are living in now
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
[x] You're very good at archery.
[ ] You currently like/love someone on your team
[X] You like to wear purple and black
[X] You're very good at aiming
[ ] You've worked at the carnival
[X] You like working in a team
[X] You're up for almost anything thrown at you
[X] You'd be a top assassin if you ever took the job
[X] You're quiet
[X] You tend to get along with people well
Loki Laufeyson
[X] You want to be a great leader
[X] You want to prove something
[ ] You're the younger sibling
[X] You've been/are overshadowed by a sibling
[X] You're good at lying
[ ] You're adopted
[X] You're very clever (I like to think so)
[X] You are able to manipulate people well
[ ] Your favorite color is green or gold
Awesome im hawkeye!!