Lie to me* - 217 - BULLET BUMP - HUGE PICSPAM. ♥

Jul 30, 2010 15:22

[He knew, knew her.]

"There's no such thing as an "assassin's gaze."- WHAT ? What about that whole case in S01EP04 ? Lightman clearly demonstrate what a person would look like if they were about to attack.

Clara's behind in the background again.
I like how subbtle they are in this show on the importance of each character.

"As a  majority stakeholder in this firm..."
"I bet you regret saying that already."
Don't even try to use this little bit of power you think you have on him.


"Dr Foster! Or may I call you Gillian?" - Foster's not even responding to the guy! I love Foster not liking anyone involved in politics.

"Not a good idea. This is Lightman being discreet."

"Clear his shcedule this afternoon."
I love the way they don't even need to talk. He just looked at her and she just ordered the guy lol. (Also, I think this dinner is the same dinner they use in Bones.)

I like Locker and Ria together. I like to think that their relationship is developing the same way as Cal&Gillian's relationship may have been when they first met. I could totally picture them in 20 years leading their own company as deception experts, and having the same trust that Cal&Gillian have.


First. I love this red dress. Second. LEGS.
Gillian is being the teacher in this scene, she was telling us all of what she saw on the governor, and I loved it. I love the science this show is based on, and I love that Gillian is being the teacher here. She was super competant in that scene, I'd like to see that more often.

"Governor, man to man right... and Foster here."- I love this line, it was really funny.

"Michelle was a beautiful woman. Now, I know what it's like to work with beautiful women."
"He's talking about your friend, Clara Musso."- Does Gillian really think that Clara is more beautiful than her ?
"Yeah, and her... yeah."

Aww that was so cute from Cal to say that. And Gillian was surprised at first and then gave us that I-can't-believe-this! look. Like she doesn't even take him seriously.
Like I said it in my previous post, I love the fact that the camera showed us Clara blushing while Cal was talking because she thought he was thinking about her when he said that. And he was not, It was about Gillian. And I love the fact that Gillian isn't even considering the possibility that Cal's talking about her here. I love the contrast between the two. And that Clara was totally wrong lol.


"What you mean to tell me that neither of you have ever been tempted to mix business with pleasure ?"

Ok this is so great. I love it when other character ask awkward questions! I want more awkward. Awkward is so good and so much fun!
I want to know so badly what Cal would have answered to this! 
The guy wasn't answering the question directly, deflecting on his status and the fact that the victim was a young attractive woman... and then he made the parallele between his situation and Cal&Gillian's situation and trow this question at them to confuse them and make them uncomfortable so they would stop asking questions. I think Gillian saw that coming and just ignored Addison's question because she's a professional and you don't play games with her, especially if you're in politics.


"Bingo, lady in pink"
I love Cal's way to do things!
He could have just done that privately and asked them about the 'shagging' but no, he just chose the faster way. I love how he doesn't care.


First. FRECKLES. ♥

"Smart. True, too, technically. Because you know how to steer a conversation. And you know how to lie by omission."
I love this. Don't even try to fool her girl! Gillian is so amazing in that scene.

"I smell a cover-up. I've been there, I've done that." - Reference to "Sweet Sixteen" ♥


"Plus the crosshairs you drew on Brooks's photo speaks to malicious intent."
Ben is a deception expert too !! That made me lol IRL so hard. I love Ben for pointing out the obvious while being serious about it.


Don't hate me for that. I'll do the same with Gillian&Burnsy :D

First. Watching Cal eat is gross lol. He should shut this big mouth of his while chewing!
Second. Jazz as background music is pure awesome. Reminds me of Gillian's excellent tastes in music as well.

I don't blame Cal for sleeping with Clara at all. I was really confused why I didn't mind him sleeping with her, but I think I just understood why.
She was the one that hit on him in the first place, she was the one that asked him for some (so called) private courses, she was the one initiating the flirt.
She was the one to came to his house, she was the one that made the dirty joke... See the patern here ? I don't blame this entirely on her, I mean I don't blame anyone because I really don't care about who Cal's shagging. But in this situation, she was the one who was interested the most in gettin into Cal's pants. And I don't blame him for sucombing to this temptation because she was interested.

"It's Chicken Tikka Masala. So, be warned. [...] Too hot for you ?"

Oh the metaphor.
Chicken Tikka Masala is a very spicy meal, very agressive. And Clara can't handle it.

They're doing food contrasts too :
Cal is being the agressive one. He can't stay put, he uses slang, his technics are bold. He's the unstable particule. He's the man. - He likes spicy food. Salty food.
Gillian on the other hand, is the calm one. She's classy, sweet and elegant. She's the grounded one. She's the woman (with curves.) - She's the one with the sweet tooth. Sugary food.


Hello new favorite dress. ♥
She looks fantastic in that dress. Oh Cal's checking her out, that's a first lol !


Oh Gillian. I love this reaction of hers, she's not even trying to be discrete or anything lol!


Cal: Janet’s using Clara
Gillian: You’re incredible.
Cal: Or the other way around. Incredible how?
Gillian: You know.
Cal: Oh, Clara. It’s that obvious, is it?
Gillian: Was it that good?
Cal: Honestly?
Gillian: No!

I love that Cal is ignoring the personnal stuff between him and Clara, because he really doesn't care. I love the fact that Gillian is the one asking questions. She says she doesn't want to know, but her 'No' was more of a reflex than anything else! They've known each other for years, they were married when they met, so I don't think they discussed sex before. Her 'No' was like a 'none of my business'-No. But she asked and then somehow realised that she asked and crossed the line and she backs up saying that 'No'. Why would she ask him 'Was it that good' if she wasn't interested in the answer ?!

Cal: Because that’s what they were doing when we showed up, they were getting their stories straight.
Gillian: The pinot noir.
Cal: Yeah! I mean, do they even make that in Argentina?
Gillian: Alfredo Rocca, 2007.
CAL: Ooh, you’re not just a pretty face, are you, darling?
Gillian: Back to you and Clara.
Cal: Really?

Gillian knows the facts. She's smart and he finds that attractive.
And how he invades her personal space ? And I love the 'Mmmmmmmmm' before the 'Ooh, you’re not just a pretty face, are you, darling?'.
And this elbow kick = CUTE. And a nice way to push him away.

Gillian: Well, she’s up to something. I want to make sure you’re not compromised.
Cal: No, no, no, it’s just a bit of fun between us!
Gillian: It’s a little more than that.
Cal: Were you there?
Gillian: I’m talking about from her perspective.
Cal: You know I can read faces, don’t you?

Protective!Gillian is back. She's asking question because she doesn't want Cal to be compromised emotionaly. Or she just wants to know if he has feelings.
He's so sincere when he says that it was just a bit of fun, I believe he was. And I love that she's asking more because she just wants to make sure it was just sex.
Also LOL at Gillian deflecting, trying to act concerned about Clara's feelings over Cal. She never was worried/concerned about Clara, she never saw her as a threat, and I find it cute that she's deflecting using her. Also Cal totally knows that she's lying, he knows why she's asking.

Gillian: Did I say incredible? I meant impossible.
Cal: Thank you very much.

No personal space, banter, flirting, teasing. A little bit of jealousy from Gillian. ♥
This is why I love these two, these moments are even better than kisses... or sex. I'm so in love with their relationship ♥

[Are you accusing Clara ?]

[Addison's death.]


Yay more Gillian being awesome and figuring out who really wrote the letter, cracking the case.
I want more of Teacher!Gillian.


"You lied to me, I want my firm back"
"Shake his hand. I'll be your witness."

Oh I love Clara's reaction being angry/jealous at Gillian because she just gave her an order.

"You know these people... they don't deserve your loyalty. I think you're better than that. I want to give you a chance to prove it."



"We could be a good team."
"I got all the team I need." ♥

"I know you respect the work we do here, Clara. Sign."
Oh Gillian giving orders again with her wining face :D
Love HBIC!Gillian. ♥

"It's a pleasure doing business with you."-By the sound of her voice she meant pleasure, not business. Because she's clearly singning the end of their contract and the end of their 'relationship' too. (If it ever was any.) And I saw that line as a last attempt to make Gillian jealous over the fact that Clara slept with Cal.


For those who don't know, Kelli who was in The Practice, played Lindsay Dole (who is my favorite character ever) who she said once to Bobby "What am I, a pineapple ?" because her name was left out of the other names of the practice again. It sort of became her most famous sentence on this show :)
That's why when I heard 'Pineapple' I was like, OMG they didn't ! :D
I don't really know if it was done on purpose, but I hope it was. Because this is like EPIC. :D

|| Don't alter, these are not bases.
|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

!-flailing, actress : kelli williams, character : gillian foster, graphics : picspam, graphics : gif, ship : cal&gillian, show : lie to me

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