Lie to me* - 216 - Delinquant - HEAVY PICSPAM.

Jul 23, 2010 12:02

(Also, I'm so late for this party I know, but I had so much to say it took like forever to organise things with this one !)

Lie To Me* - DELINQUANT // Analysis & Picspam

Emily and Cal together = EPIC. I actually find it interesting that parents have to teach their kids how to drive in America ! (In France it's not that simple! I'm glad we've got schools to learn how to drive otherwise I wouldn't have had my licence... since my dad is pretty useless!)

"Dad are you actually praying ?" Lol, I love Emily ♥ and "It's technology dad, the future is now." I was so amused by Cal's face. Totally panicked there ! And the way he's on his seat, he's like ready to jump at any moment. lol
And the "PUPPY !!!" yelling :3 Ahah I loved it. And Em's reflexes are so bad LOL.


"Don't hold the grudge, your face gets all pinched... look at mum." - LOLOLOLOL


"Grow a pair. I was just telling her to grow a pair, you know... Of testicles. Metaphorically speaking, you know, 'cause you're stonewalling."
That was so funny ! Loved the line.

"You must be a psychologist"
"I must be"
Classy!Gillian is classy and she pwns hard. Love her ♥

Fake tears from Torres. I was WOWed. I mean that was so well done from Monica I was surprised it was so well done. And Cal was enjoying this to much ! Look at him all amused by his protegee trying to manipulate/blackmail this woman. She's definitely following his tracks !


Hello Burns&Foster. Don't they look cute together already ? :3
Ria's sister was so well chosen, I thought they looked alike like normal siblings do. That's why I love this show, for these details that are important. Ava's actress was amazing in her role, she was so convincing !

"What's with the old white guy ? The lie guy ? You brought the lie guy ?"

"She's testing him."
"Ya think?"
"Sorry. I'll hold the condescension."

ISN'T SHE CUTE. SHE IS SO CUTE. LOOK AT THEM FLIRTING. This guy's so charismatic. And his voice is pure sexyness.

She was being her usual self telling him what she noticed in there, and she was so surprised by his reaction ! And I think she saw something else too, like you know desire, attraction. Or heard, since she's the voice expert. And I think Martini's voice has something to do with him getting the job (IDK, maybe she'll say something in future episodes on how sexy is his voice is.)


"They share a dad. I gather he was pretty useless."
"Stage 4 Alcoholics."

I didn't even know alcoholism had stages.


More awesomeness and Gillian being admirative of Burnsy's ethics over Marly's case.


Bickering. I was kind of disapointed because I saw this interview of Tim&Kelli in which Kelli gave away so many spoilers (I gave up about being spoiler free that day !) She was so like "and this, and this, and this happens... oh am I supposed to tell you that ?" lol.
She said that they were yelling at each other during the whole episode, and I was expecting that... so I was kinda disapointed by the lack of yelling/bickering from them. Also, what I was looking for in that scene was Cal's reaction on Burns&Foster interaction. I would have paid to see his face in this scene.

Watch carefuly here, just after Burns says "I'm not here to be liked" you have a shot on Gillian that is reversed :) (~14:00)

Oh yeah a glimpse at Burnsy's past. He was a delinquant too. I kinda love the idea that Gillian has a thing for bad boys !


"Give me your keys."
They were so in sinc in that episode, it nearly killed me. I love the trust between them SFM. ♥


Like I said it in a comment I'm having dificulties liking the guy. I hated him when he betrayed Foster in the first season about that old guy whose daughter stole a lot of money from people, I thought he was completely wrong about that. And then in "Sweet sixteen" when he got mad at Cal&Gillian because they were being quiet about the bombing... and hacking into Gillian's computer was a little bit too much; she's his boss too! I'm waiting for the writers to change my mind on him because I liked him back in early season 1, he was funny and interesting with his "radical honesty". Now he's just... iritating.
Anyway, here in that scene, he was back being funny again. :) "Oh look, is this little Torres" made me laugh so hard, his voice was so hilarious in that comment!
AND BEN. I LOVE BEN. He's used to Cal's illegal things now, he don't even care anymore (yeah he cares for crazy, crazy stuff, but for that he just understood right away. And he knows that when Cal has something in mind... it's better giving up and let him do his thing. THAT'S WHY I LOVE BEN.)

"In the meantime, you're staying with Foster"
"What ?"

Loved Gillian's reaction, that was pure, great acting from Kelli. She was truly surprised. Ok I know I'm a bit overly excited about that sequence, but it just means so much to me that someone can surprise me like that. She's so impressive with her acting it's driving me insane ! I know the woman is talented, but when she does things like that she just surprises me even more. That's what I like about her, I could never get bored of her.

And I loved the "Whaat ?" response from Ava and Ria in sinc, that was the perfect response ! And I thought they had the same voice, and exactly the same reaction there, that was perfect.

'Oh, uh, Foster, Why don't you get dr. Burns on the phone... I believe you have his number."
Love Cal's invasion in Foster's life here. And that look she gave him right after that ? ♥


"You got the hots for Foster"
First : WHO DOESN'T and second : Oh yeah bring it on.

Like I said in a comment on crumpled_up  Lj, I think the whole scene was a test. I read a lot of reviews and people are mostly unhappy with the way Cal appeared as the I-can-get-you-into-Foster's-pants kind of guy. I desagree. I think it was his way to see if the guy was a good guy for her. I think that it was obvious that Foster liked the guy and could be interested if he was the one making the first move on her (which he did). And so Cal just asked questions to see if he was really worth Foster. I think this is different from the whole Alec story because first, she was married before they met, so he respected that, no matter what. Now that she's single, I have the feeling he'd have no problem telling her what guy is good or not for her.

"Ethics. That's always so inconvenient."
And Cal always tries to ignore it. And Gillian always tries to remember him that it is pretty important. I love it because this whole single sentence made me think about what Castle said to Beckett in one episode "He's like the male you. Yin needs yang, not another yin. Yin-yang is harmony. Yin yin is a name for a panda." Yin being Burns, I think you got my point ! XD

I like Burns. I like the way he looks, even though I think he's not that perfect physically, but he's very charming. And he's smart and he's a psychologist and he cares about people and his job. Plus his voice is so sexy. I think that's the thing I like the most about him.


I loved this shower scene a lot. Ria admires Lightman because he's a good man. ♥


"So what do you want for dessert ?"


OMG. Kelli is amazing. She's so talented it's unbelievable.
In this scene I was so impressed by her performance ! If you look at the scene in slow mo (yeah I do that a lot, DON'T JUDGE ME.) you can see panic/fear/pain on her face, like it's really happening! And that's amazing! And when she got hurt, it felt so real, It really hurt! I was so scared ! And men I should have recorded my face when I saw this scene for the first time because that would have been epic to see my reaction ! LOL


"Foster, Foster !"
Feel the emotion in her voice. ♥ And Cal was so worried when he saw her, the way he looked at her to see if she was fine physically ! CUTE.
And how he hugs her :3 It was like he was doing that more to reassure himself that she was okay than actually reassuring her.
And I love that she manages to keep it together until he hugs her... And then she starts crying and telling him that she's fine even though she's not.


You can't blame Ria to get all angry at Ava since she's having a hard time trusting her with their common backstory and all... And I love how Foster gets all angry at this too.
In "The whole truth", Gillian got angry too when the son of the dead husband got angry at Clara for cheating, it almost turned into a fight between the two of them. And she was so mad at the guy for being violent! We don't know much of her backstorry but I wouldn't be surprised if she had a violent backstorry, or if she was the kind of person that condemn violence to resolve problems, since she's a psychologist... I'd love to know so much more about her backstory!

"Heyy, knock it off."
Oh and how Cal gets in the way and yells back at Ria for yelling at Foster in the first place. LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.


"Come here Gillian, it's all good darling... it's all good"
"I didn't know you were such a crybaby"

They hug again, and I love the way Cal is hugging her, the thing he does with his hands is just the cutest thing ever! It shows a lot on how he cares about her. LOVE IT. Aww and I love how he looks sad and has teary eyes because she's crying. And he cracks a joke to make her laugh, to make her feel better ♥ And she pushes him away.


"They were kids, I could tell by their voices"
Oh yeah Foster being the awesome!Foster that she is when she can learn so much about people just by listening to their voices.
And she didn't call the cops. IDK if she called Cal right after the attack or if he decided to come by her house after what Ria said in the previous scene about Ava, but I love the fact that she thought the whole thing through and decided not to call the cops. Somebody just broke into her house and attacked her but no, she cares about Ava and she wouldn't want Cal to be trown in jail, so no authorities!

"We can take care of this on our own." Unusual for Gillian since that's a line that Cal would totally say to her.

"Well, you're supposed to be the sensible one, you know?"
"Yeah, and you're supposed to take unnecessary risks."
"Not when it comes to you."

So yeah, roles are reversed here. Gillian is so much more like Cal when she's on cases that are about kids and family !

"I stop being crazy, I stop being the mad man that I am when it comes to finding the truth if it puts you in danger. It's not worth it. Because I care about you so much that I don't care about anything else." THAT'S WHAT I HEARD.


Kudos to Gillian for matching clothes & bruses. LOL
I love purple on her! (and by that I mean the shirt, not the bruises ^^) and that skirt is sexy ! (BTW, DID KELLI LOST A FEW POUNDS? I noticed that earlier in the season, but now it seems to be more noticeable.)

Gillian remembers so much from the attack it's impressive how she identified that girl from the session only.

"Your sister's missing, Foster's been attacked, I've committed a felony, You set a horrific example for my daughter, And you tried to stick your tongue down my throat." Made me laugh! I love Cal for these lines!


"If you were a guest in my home, This is what I would do. I'd offer you a drink."
"Soda rots your teeth."
"The point is to be welcoming, And you didn't give me that chance earlier."

I love this. Gillian usually doensn't interogate people (because Cal does his particular thing) but when she does, man, she gets to you in no time. There's not fuss, she goes straight to the point. And she's always right.

"Dr. Foster's good."
"Yeah, she's the best. Well, second-best." - Locker I liked that about you, that was so nice of you. And Burns ♥ he's totally into her.

"Look at me!"
Gillian is so patient about everything and always respect people's privacy when it comes to things she sees about them. But when she gets impatient because she doesn't get what she wants, she gets all angry and more agressive, and I love that about her. And even more when it comes to personal things and things that invade her privacy.

"I don't know. I ain't upper management." LOLOLOLOLOL

"I know you're scared,but I can protect you."
"Look at your face, bitch. You can't even protect yourself."
Oh that hurt.


Burns&Foster walking in together, they're so hot together.

"The kids needed to see this."
"It's therapy."
"Unconventional therapy."


I love the bond between those two. And thanks to Foster, Ava's back to school and can start a new life.


That top is hot. Aw look at him all nervous before knocking on her door. XD
And that smile ? I love her smile. ♥
And he brought her flowers! That's so cheesy! AND CUTE. And I love it.
Can't wait for Burns&Foster sexytimes !


I LOVED THIS EPISODE SFM. I won't go on on how AMAZING Kelli was in this episode because it would take hours, and most of you already know I love her and what I think of her. I was so impressed by her performance again :o

The Attack/Crying/huging/comforting scene is my new favorite scene ever ♥

Can't wait for monday's episode!

|| Don't alter, these are not bases.
|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

actress : kelli williams, character : gillian foster, graphics : picspam, ship : cal&gillian, show : lie to me

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