The Practice / SEASON 1 | EP01 EP02 EP03 | MASSIVE PICSPAM.

Jul 16, 2010 22:20

No need for introduction the title says it all (nobody reads introductions anyways we go directly look at the pretty pictures !)

This show is awesome and I love it so much (mainly because of Kelli's role in it) that I wanted to make a huge picspam of it, beginning with the first season. It will not only be a picspam. It will be Lindsay-centered because her character is just awesome (And why would I want to do it If It wasn't for her !) I'll quote some dialogue and I'll try to show how her character grew over the seasons (yeah, at this point i want to cap more than the first season...), and her interactions with other characters. This contains spoilers for those who haven't seen the show.

Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date - 4 March 1997

Bobby defends Rachel Reynolds, a young woman facing drug charges. She is not a drug dealer, but was trying to cover for her brother. Lindsay represents Emerson Ray, who is suing a tobacco company in a wrongful death suit. Lindsay's favorite law professor, Anderson Pearson, represents the defense. Eugene represents "Free Willy", a man who exposes himself in public.

Judge : You exposed your penis by accident...?
Holsten : Yes I did.
Judge: Keep it zipped up mr Holsten, nobody's finding this cute.



[JUDGE ZOEY HILLER | My personnal favorite]


Eugene: Did your bookie die ?
Bobby:  Coleman got triple life without parole, the DA won't budge on Rachel Reynolds, Dan Moriarty skipped bail which I put up personally... and I could use 'cause the landlord's threatening to evict us again...and it's two-thirty.
Eugene: Oh another day.

Bobby : Is there a change we'll squeeze anything on Emerson Ray's case
Lindsay : Well, his depos is in half an hour. I'm hoping if he's sympathetic the tobacco company will feel compation and give us what we want.

Lindsay : You are scared !
Bobby : You think it's tough defending the guilty, Lindsay? Try the innocent.....It's terrifying!


Lindsay and her client have a meeting for a deposition. There, the lawyer representing the firm is none other than her former law school professor, Anderson Pearson. We learn from their dialogue that Lindsay has a thing for the constitution (She'll build her reputation on that over the seasons.)


PEARSON : When did your wife stopped smoking, sir ?
RAY : The day she died of a heartattack.

RAY : The details are, she's dead. [...] I won't die. I'll live forever. If for no other reason than to see this through. Your client's cigarettes killed my wife. And If I have to stick this out until I'm 80, I'll do it. I will never die.
PEARSON : The record will reflect, the witness refuses to die.


Pearson asked Lindsay for a meeting to come to an agreement. Pearson thinks Lindsay's case in unwinable. She doesn't.
Pearson reveals that his defense strategie is not only to win the case, but to prevent future plaintive to sue the Tobacco company, which refuses to pay anything based on principle. What Pearson proposes to Lindsay is to give her client 18 000 $ from Finley, his firm and not Michaels, the Tobacco company. Pearson justifies his move telling Lindsay that money will be taken from Finley anyways but via legal fees, which will be cheaper than defending the whole case, and her client will have money anyway. They just want to make the case disapear.

Lindsay : Heighteen is kind of low.
Pearson : That's all I'm gonna offer. And that's considerably more than nothing, wich is the alternative.
Lindsay : I'd like to think about it
Pearson : Alright. fine.

Pearson : Lindsay, what are you doing ?
Lindsay : I'm sorry.?
Pearson : Bobby Donnell is a good practitioner. Don't missunderstand me. But that's what he is, a practitioner. You studied to be a lawyer. I don't mean to speak out of turn... It's just... I should hate to see you waist your gift. And you Do have a gift.
Lindsay : I'll review the offer with my client and get back to you.


Lindsay : Excuse me... What are you doing ?
Bobby : I'm just... I'm going over my closing... Don't you ever go home ?
Lindsay : No. Do you ?

Bobby : How did it go with Emerson Ray ?
Lindsay : Oh, fine. They want... It's all fine. Can I ask you something ? Do you have a girlfriend ?
Bobby : What ?
Lindsay : Oh no, I don't mean for me ! I just... well... sometimes I, I get insecure that, you know, in like 7 or 8 years or so, I'll be alone, pacing my office at night talking to myself and then... Oh I didn't mean that the way it came out, I really didn't.
Bobby : You're worried you'll end up like me
Lindsay : No, no, no, I just meant that ....
Bobby : Not that's any of your business but, I'm in between relationships. And the reason that I'm in my office talking to myself is... If I don't give the closing of my life, tomorow a 17 year old looses hers. Probably for ever.
Lindsay : I really didn't mean it the way it came out.


Eugene : What time's your meeting ?
Lindsay : What ?
Eugene : I'm coming to the meeting.
Lindsay : i didn't accept it.
Eugene : What time ?
Lindsay : I said I'd think about it.
Eugene :  What time ?
Lindsay : 4.15pm. I didn't accept.


Pearson : That wasn't a negociation, it's a gift. I was throwing you a bone.
Lindsay : It's just that... hum... I was looking for a bigger bone.

Pearson :  I see. And tell me... why have you brought along mister Young ?
Eugene : Oh, I asked to come. You sounded so good, I just had to see from myself.
Pearson : Is there a problem sir ?
Eugene : Well.... Trying to exploit an influence over a former student goes a little over the line.
Pearson : I wasn't aware your firm drew lines.
Eugene : Outch.

Pearson : Let's not be silly. Finley Hoage has 342 attorneys. Our client has 10 more firms on retainer ready to defend against this kind of precedent.
Eugene : Legit.
Pearson : We are not legit. At a minimum, this suit will cost you a quarter of a million dollars to procecute. Who's gonna front that ? you ? M.Ray ? For a case that can't be won ?
Eugene : Who says it can't be won ?
Pearson : Well... you have some secret strategie unknown to any other law firm in the world ?
Eugene : We cheat.
Pearson : Ahahah.

Eugene : Then, there's the smell.
Pearson : I beg your pardon ?
Eugene : The jury takes a bit from this, from that... gets kind of a unch for the truth. They're gonna smell your client, smell ours, smell you, smell me... kinda like "scratch and sniff" litigation. See, you don't think we're up to you. Figure we can't go toe to toe with the big boys... maybe you're right. But standing here right now : mmmm smells good ! Your offer is rejected professor. Thanks again for the bone.

L : Maybe over coffee...
E : Lindsay ! ....



I wanted to point out that Kelli was only 27 when the show started airing, and she looked like she was barely 20 ^^. She always looked like she was too small for her clothes (In the first seasons anyway...) but that's something I've always thought was cute about her character. She was painted as the smart, young beautiful newly Harvard graduated top of her class lawyer of the firm (with quite a temper!).

Season 1, Episode 2: Part I
Original Air Date - 11 March 1997

Bobby represents a man facing armed robbery charges. His strategy is to plead out to lesser charges. Eugene's client fears for her and her 11 year old son's safety, at the hands of her ex-husband. Eugene makes several attempts to get a restraining order. The situation has deadly consequences. Bobby tries to secure a loan and pays a visit to Jimmy Berluti, his friend and banker.


Ellenor : You're the exclusionary queen here, and I need you. I've got cocaine, vehicule search...
Lindsay : You know what Eli, my mother's birthday was sunday and I promised her I wouldn't put crack heads back on the streets this week.

Ellenor is using an online dating service. Bobby's gettin an eviction notice because he can't make the rent.


Jimmy: You ask all the time Bobby. I give like a cow. I'm growing udders here.

Jimmy: I used to be a lawyer remember?
Bobby: A terrible lawyer. Jimmy you never won a case!
Jimmy: Suck up to me, that'll help

Lindsay: Hey! What is going on here?
Jimmy: He's asking me to loan out on a dog, that's what's going on.
Bobby: Forget it. Alright Jimmy? Forget it!


Ellenor: OK look, we've got vehicle search with a container in the trunk. You've done this in your sleep, Lindsay
Lindsay: So why can't you take care of it?
Ellenor: I just don't have your gift for constitutional law
Lindsay: You owe me!
Ellenor: I owe ya!

Lindsay: So you didn't say to yourself when you smelled the pot 'Boy we've got a big drug dealer here'
Officer: No I did not
Lindsay: It was kind of innocent search? You were surprised to find the cocaine?
Officer: I was not looking to find cocaine; that is correct
Lindsay: And when you opened that container, did you say 'Oh MY!'

DA: Objection!

Lindsay: He had no right to go into the trunk. Wimberly versus superior court distinguishes casual users from drug dealers. This officer's testimony was clear. He concluded my client was smoking pot in the car. Casual use. That entitles him to search the car. Not the trunk [...] You want more precedents? US versus Nielsen, 10th circuit, 1993. Officer smelled burnt marijuana. Car search okay, trunk not okay. US versus Seals, 5th Circuit. And here you really wobble, he not only went into the trunk, he opened a container. Chadwick ? We've all read that one.

Ellenor: Armed robbery
Lindsay: You're going to owe me again
Ellenor: Uh nope, Bobby's going to owe you on this one.


Ellenor: Bobby! You should have seen her. Citing cases off the top of her head, state, not just federal. Even the judge was back-pedalling. She is a keeper.
Bobby: (grins) Yeah I had a hunch

Eugene: I'll make this quick. Most of my clients are criminals, some of them are broke and even have to pay in trade. So much as go near your ex-wife again, drive by the house, leave a funny message on the machine...whatever...I will be dispatching two of my delinquent accounts to separate the tops of your kneecaps.

[....] Cowards make me crazy.
Jimmy: This is the kind of practice my bank is investing in?


Bobby: Do we look amused? First rule for a plaintiff lawyer is to ascertain whether or not the defendant is judgment proof. I am glad that Mr. Parks is suing us now! Now we can counterclaim on having to file the $15 filing fee. Tell your new client thanks. And tell him...I'm going to get him...I'm going to get him.


Season 1, Episode 3: Trial and Error
Original Air Date - 18 March 1997

Bobby plans to represent Gerald Braun in a wrongful death suit against Ronald Martin. Eugene's "Free Willy" returns, after being arrested in a peculiar position with a hooker. Defense Lawyers in the Emerson Ray case make a motion to have the case dismissed. Bobby fears that the judge is biased. Jimmy, Bobby's friend the banker, is fired for approving a construction loan under false pretenses and Bobby decides to hire him.


Holsten: It was entrapment. Man cant walk down the street these days without getting handcuffed to a dwarf.


Bobby: He filed a two hundred and twenty three page memorandum
Judge: Then why are you here when you could be reading it? Two hundred dollar fine for that!
Bobby: You cant fine me for asking for a continuance
Judge: I just did! 50 bucks for saying I can't! (glares at Bobby) Don't you look at me like that! (turns to Pearson) Mr Pearson as an officer of this court I apologise for that,
Pearson: Thank you your honor


Bobby: he actually apologised to him
Lindsay: Bobby
Bobby: He was sucking up to him. The judge was in awe of Pearson He probably wants a job after he's thrown off the bench. He was kissing the guys ass


Ellenor walks in: Got one!
Rebecca: What?
Ellenor: Podiatrist, fortyish, loves movies and Maine, spoke to him on the phone for an hour last night
Rebecca: You gonna go out?
Ellenor: I'm going to keep it audio for a while


Pearson: Ah, let the record reflect Attorney Donnell has just entered
Bobby: Why has this proceeding started without me?
Pearson: We didn't want to make your client wait. And uh Ms. Dole offered no objections.
Bobby: She should have. For the record, bad form Pearson.
Pearson: Consider me chagrined.


Bobby: You're letting him push you around [...] What Lindsay, you don't want to inconvenience your mentor?
Lindsay: It wasn't that
Bobby: It was that. I see you, you're looking for his approval. You've got this brilliant legal mind, but if you don't turn into a fighter you are going to be a doormat in this town.
Lindsay: Okay
Bobby: Now this summary judgement hearing, are you up to going against Pearson or not?
Lindsay: I'm up to it...I am!
Bobby: I know you are. I just wanna be sure that you know it.


Bobby: I'm thinking that if that judge slept with a woman at Pearsons firm, then that is a card! And it is not beneath to play it!


Lindsay (stands up): I'm sorry Your Honor. Forgive me. I'm a little confused. According to your clerk's notice, we were to hear...what is it...uh any and all discovery or pre-trial matters before oral arguments on summary judgement.
Pearson: There are no other matters
Lindsay: Well actually there is one other nagging little matter
She stares at the judge, Pearson looks confused, Bobby smiles smugly. Lindsay sits down.
Judge: I've decided to dispense with oral arguments, Mr. Pearson. I find there to be items dispute the material fact in this case. The defendant's motion for summary judgement is hereby denied; ruling in favor of the plaintiff. Moreover I recuse myself from this case. Another judge will be assigned. Adjourned.


Pearson walks up: Quite pleased are we? What was that Lindsay?
Lindsay: The beginning professor.
Pearson: Do you know what you're in for?
Lindsay: I think so. Do you?


Eugene: hey Jimmy. Eugene Young. Don't know if we've officially met, but welcome. (takes box of him)
Jimmy: Thanks
Eugene: Let me take that
Ellenor: We're very excited
Rebecca: You need anything supply wise, let me know, I've already got the phone line set up


Bobby: Lindsay. Um...the tobacco case. I want you to try it. I think you're more prepared on it than me.
Lindsay: Bobby, I've never even done a jury trial before. Are you sure?
Bobby: You've done all the discovery, I think you're ready Do you think you can do it?
Lindsay: Um...sure
Bobby: Tell me if you cant, you don't have to be a hero here
Lindsay : I can do it
Bobby: Ok. Lets go.


|| Don't alter, these are not bases.
|| Enjoy ! ♥
|| Comments are ♥

actress : kelli williams, graphics : picspam, character : lindsay dole, show : the practice, ship : bobby&lindsay

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