Wow, it's been a while

Feb 21, 2005 15:03

So i don't even know where to start cause i haven't written in this thing for a while. Hmm, so valentines day was awesome! I got a gift certificate to the spa for $75, a kick ass Rise Against shirt and dinner from Rett. Definately a good day! Then we watched Cable Guy and The Notebook! :-) He's a sweetheart and definately a man cause he watched the Notebook with me! And honestly- if you're a guy and reading this and haven't seen that movie...WATCH IT! YOU'LL LIKE IT I PROMISE YOU!
I'm getting really excited for Spring Break. I need another break from school, especially since i'll be spending that time in Vegas with Laura, and hopefully Rett will come too. We'll see what happens, but it'd be ten times more fun if he did come.
Went over to Adams the other night with Laura and Rett, that was interesting and an extremely random night. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but at one point, us girls were all in our swimsuits, and laura and i were dancing in the living room. I was focused on dancing, then i happened to turn and look to my left, and there is a guy holding a dollar bill. Hmm, no im not a stripper, thanks though. Well, after that, i noticed i had about $5 down my swim suit bottoms... yeah i took them out and gave them back to the owners.. i was pissed but super drunk. Thanks to Rett for taking me away from them! Anyway, dance party was some what fun, but then i finally got to go to sleep.

Oh, i have to write a fuckin satire for english... i don't know what or how the hell to write one, so if you have any ideas PLEASE IM me and tell me!! I NEED HELP! Im not that creative.
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