
Feb 01, 2005 16:10

So the three most random things happened to me today-

1. Emily Jackson and i go to safeway to eat lunch..chinese food! We see Erdman there and we say hey, how are you, ya know.. the normal. So emily and i go up to pay, and Erdman is in front of us... "here, let me buy your lunch girls.." and we were like "what? no, it's fine." and he's like "no, seriuosly. you're two really good kids, and you deserve a free lunch every once in a while.." and we were like "oh, ok...? thanks!" it was soooo weird! Cool, but Weird!

2. Laura and i went to the mall today and we're walking by that fountain by the escalator... and there are these two mexicans getting their picture taken by a security guard. And first off, it was jsut weird to see them get their picture taken in front of the fountain inside a mall.. anyway, we were walking behind them and i was like "you know what would be funny, if i was to jump up and throw my arms up when he took the picture, and i'd be in the background..hahaha" and so i did an example and right as i did it, the guy took the picture! hahahaha i started laughing so hard, we were like crying!

3. Then on our way to American Eagle, which is when we're still laughing about the mexicans, these two guys are walking towards us. One of them comes close to me like within a foot away from my face, and burps sooooo loud, right in my face! Then continues to walk! And i turned around and was like "wow, that was attractive!" WHO THE HELL DOES THAT!? We started laughing even harder, and couldn't stop. Finally calmed down, and was able to start shopping! haha
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