Mar 12, 2007 09:05
I packed today. Iieeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything's fitting quite well, actually, to my great surprise. I'm trying to cut out anything that I don't really feel I NEED to wear, just so that I can fit in all the things I'm planning on bringing back with me. : D
Graeme and I saw 300 today. It was incredible!!!! Brutal, bloody, violent and passionate - one of my favorite kinds of films! Very LOTR-esque in the valor of it's battles. Stunning animation, too. And GORGEOUS actors. I was pretty turned out throughout, actually. A good way to spend an afternoon. And yet Graeme was very distant. He got up at 5:30 this morning to shoot this commercial, and I know that he tends to be quite withdrawn when he's overtired, but I couldn't help but be a little stung. He didn't even snuggle up against me in the theatre! No hand holding or shoulder rubbing, no nothing! After the movie I told him quite plainly that I'd rather he take me home so that he could go and nap, because he wasn't all that much company in his sleepy daze. He was grateful, and that in itself kind of irritated me. Then he made it seem like he didn't really intend on seeing me tomorrow either! GOD! I'm leaving town!! Shouldn't he WANT to spend as much time with me as possible!?!
Oh well. As long as I get to the airport on Tuesday morning, I guess I can deal with whatever happens. I wouldn't be surprised if I asked him at the terminal gate if we'd see each other after I got back and he replied something vague and non-committal like, "I don't know. Maybe. I guess we'll see."
But then his goodbye kiss at my door was very earnest. I don't know. What. Ever.
I'm very proud of myself. All I ate today was a mango, two apples, and a veggie plate for dinner. Go me!!! Although I am kind of ruining it by snacking on the Skittles I had hidden in my jewelry drawer.... Meh. Tomorrow's workout is nasty hard, anyways.
In NY: Sonja, Paul, Amy, Bob, cousin Jonathan, Katherine, and John (God willing). I'm PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!! If I don't have time to write tomorrow, wish me a safe flight!!!!
Stefanie Rose